

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): tweets.

  1. птичий щебет
  2. твит

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tweeted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tweeted.
  1. чирикать
  2. твитнуть

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений tweet на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

What's the point of blacking the user's name out if the tweet in question is very easy to find?
Какой смысл закрашивать имя пользователя, если данный твит очень легко найти?

How can your cat tweet?
Как ваша кошка умеет твитнуть?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tweet We tweet
You tweet You tweet
He/She/It tweets They tweet
Past Simple
I tweeted We tweeted
You tweeted You tweeted
He/She/It tweeted They tweeted
Future Simple
I will tweet We will tweet
You will tweet You will tweet
He/She/It will tweet They will tweet

Present Continuous
I am tweeting We are tweeting
You are tweeting You are tweeting
He/She/It is tweeting They are tweeting
Past Continuous
I was tweeting We were tweeting
You were tweeting You were tweeting
He/She/It was tweeting They were tweeting
Future Continuous
I will be tweeting We will be tweeting
You will be tweeting You will be tweeting
He/She/It will be tweeting They will be tweeting

Present Perfect
I have tweeted We have tweeted
You have tweeted You have tweeted
He/She/It has tweeted They have tweeted
Past Perfect
I had tweeted We had tweeted
You had tweeted You had tweeted
He/She/It had tweeted They had tweeted
Future Perfect
I will have tweeted We will have tweeted
You will have tweeted You will have tweeted
He/She/It will have tweeted They will have tweeted

md5 hash от слова tweet: ae8d18f3b54f1d925974c618a4528a37


Добавить пример предложения

Вы можете добавить пример со словом tweet и после проверки он будет опубликован.


Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову tweet. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

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