

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): upheld.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): upheld.

Синонимы: espouse, maintain, adopt, affirm, assert, confirm, endorse, support, validate, vindicate, acknowledge, adhere, advocate, allege, attest.

  1. поддерживать
  2. подтверждать
  3. отстаивать

    uphold justice
    отстаивать справедливость

    uphold the law
    защищать закон

  4. придерживаться

    uphold the principle
    придерживаться принципа

    uphold the constitution
    соблюдать конституцию

  5. утверждать
  6. оставлять в силе

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений uphold на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

We must uphold family traditions.
Мы должны хранить семейные традиции.

We need to uphold laws against discrimination — in hiring, and in housing, and in education, and in the criminal justice system. That is what our Constitution and our highest ideals require.
Нам нужно отстаивать законы против дискриминации при найме на работу, в жилищной сфере, в сфере образования и правоохранительной системе. Этого требуют наша Конституция и высшие идеалы.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I uphold We uphold
You uphold You uphold
He/She/It upholds They uphold
Past Simple
I upheld We upheld
You upheld You upheld
He/She/It upheld They upheld
Future Simple
I will uphold We will uphold
You will uphold You will uphold
He/She/It will uphold They will uphold

Present Continuous
I am upholding We are upholding
You are upholding You are upholding
He/She/It is upholding They are upholding
Past Continuous
I was upholding We were upholding
You were upholding You were upholding
He/She/It was upholding They were upholding
Future Continuous
I will be upholding We will be upholding
You will be upholding You will be upholding
He/She/It will be upholding They will be upholding

Present Perfect
I have upheld We have upheld
You have upheld You have upheld
He/She/It has upheld They have upheld
Past Perfect
I had upheld We had upheld
You had upheld You had upheld
He/She/It had upheld They had upheld
Future Perfect
I will have upheld We will have upheld
You will have upheld You will have upheld
He/She/It will have upheld They will have upheld

md5 hash от слова uphold: 5dded36ebd1f08f8e2a75c9940fd4101



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