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Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и wade:
Кол-во употреблений wade на 1 миллион слов: 7.
Wade lifts heavier weights than that.
Вейд поднимает ещё больший вес.
In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British International Master Robert Wade played a simultaneous game with 30 local children up to 14 years old. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, having lost the other 20 matches.
В 1951 году во Дворце советских пионеров британский международный мастер Роберт Уэйд провел сеанс одновременной игры с 30 местными детьми до 14 лет. После семи часов игры MI Wade сумел сделать 10 ничьих, проиграв остальные 20 матчей.
Present Simple | |
I wade | We wade |
You wade | You wade |
He/She/It wades | They wade |
Past Simple | |
I waded | We waded |
You waded | You waded |
He/She/It waded | They waded |
Future Simple | |
I will wade | We will wade |
You will wade | You will wade |
He/She/It will wade | They will wade |
Present Continuous | |
I am wading | We are wading |
You are wading | You are wading |
He/She/It is wading | They are wading |
Past Continuous | |
I was wading | We were wading |
You were wading | You were wading |
He/She/It was wading | They were wading |
Future Continuous | |
I will be wading | We will be wading |
You will be wading | You will be wading |
He/She/It will be wading | They will be wading |
Present Perfect | |
I have waded | We have waded |
You have waded | You have waded |
He/She/It has waded | They have waded |
Past Perfect | |
I had waded | We had waded |
You had waded | You had waded |
He/She/It had waded | They had waded |
Future Perfect | |
I will have waded | We will have waded |
You will have waded | You will have waded |
He/She/It will have waded | They will have waded |
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