

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): wards.

Синонимы: chamber, advent, alumnus, benefice, camper, canopy, care, chapter, coming, compartment, congregation, custody, detaching, detachment, divestiture.

  1. палата

    hospital ward
    больничная палата

    prison ward
    тюремная камера

  2. опека
  3. отделение

    intensive care ward
    отделение интенсивной терапии

  4. приход

    ward mission leader
    руководитель миссии прихода

  5. питомец
  6. воспитанник
  7. больничная палата
  8. покой
  9. полог

verb глагол

Синонимы: avert, capture, depict, echo, echo-, embody, fend, indicate, mirror, parry, rebuff, reflect, repel, represent, show.

  1. отражать
  2. отвращать

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): warder.

Синонимы: beneficiary, pupil.

  1. подопечный

    young ward
    юная подопечная

  2. палатный

    ward nurse
    палатная медсестра


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и ward: draw.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений ward на 1 миллион слов: 36.

Примеры предложений

The talisman he's wearing is supposed to ward off evil spirits.
Согласно верованиям, талисман, который он носит, отгоняет злых духов.

How long does it take to go to the Toshima Ward Office?
Как далеко идти отсюда до мэрии Тосимы?

She is my ward.
Она моя подопечная.

The patient was transferred to the cardiology ward.
Пациента перевели в кардиологическое отделение.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I ward We ward
You ward You ward
He/She/It wards They ward
Past Simple
I warded We warded
You warded You warded
He/She/It warded They warded
Future Simple
I will ward We will ward
You will ward You will ward
He/She/It will ward They will ward

Present Continuous
I am warding We are warding
You are warding You are warding
He/She/It is warding They are warding
Past Continuous
I was warding We were warding
You were warding You were warding
He/She/It was warding They were warding
Future Continuous
I will be warding We will be warding
You will be warding You will be warding
He/She/It will be warding They will be warding

Present Perfect
I have warded We have warded
You have warded You have warded
He/She/It has warded They have warded
Past Perfect
I had warded We had warded
You had warded You had warded
He/She/It had warded They had warded
Future Perfect
I will have warded We will have warded
You will have warded You will have warded
He/She/It will have warded They will have warded

md5 hash от слова ward: 49ddafa93b4052e15e041a43d4343fda



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