

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): weaves.

Синонимы: weaving, bun, cloth, contexture, drapery, entanglement, fabric, interlacing, interplay, intersection, intertwining, interweaving, lacing, pattern, tangle.

  1. переплетение

    plain weave
    полотняное переплетение

  2. узор
  3. ткань
  4. сотки
  5. шиньон
  6. тканый материал

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): wove.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): woven.

Синонимы: interconnect, loop, merge, weaving, zigzag.

  1. ткать

    weave baskets
    плести корзины

  2. соединять
  3. вплетать
  4. свить
  5. сплестись
  6. петлять

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): weaver.

Синонимы: webbed, woven.

  1. тканый

    woven carpet
    тканый ковер

    rapier weaving machine
    рапирный ткацкий станок

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений weave на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

So fine was the thread that no frame could be found to weave it upon, nor would any weaver undertake to make one.
Такой тонкой была та нить, что нельзя было найти ни станка, чтобы ткать из неё, ни ткачиху, что взялась бы за это.

My grandmother likes to weave things.
Моя бабушка любит заниматься плетением.

This type of spider doesn't weave a web.
Этот вид пауков не плетёт паутину.

Spiders like to weave webs.
Пауки любят плести паутину.

Most spiders weave webs.
Большинство пауков плетёт паутину.

You weave a mating net when you surround the opponent king, cutting off all its means of escape before moving in for the kill.
Вы плетете матовую сеть, окружая короля соперника и отрезая ему все пути к бегству, прежде чем продвинуться вперед для нанесения смертельного удара.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I weave We weave
You weave You weave
He/She/It weaves They weave
Past Simple
I weaved We weaved
You weaved You weaved
He/She/It weaved They weaved
Future Simple
I will weave We will weave
You will weave You will weave
He/She/It will weave They will weave

Present Continuous
I am weaving We are weaving
You are weaving You are weaving
He/She/It is weaving They are weaving
Past Continuous
I was weaving We were weaving
You were weaving You were weaving
He/She/It was weaving They were weaving
Future Continuous
I will be weaving We will be weaving
You will be weaving You will be weaving
He/She/It will be weaving They will be weaving

Present Perfect
I have weaved We have weaved
You have weaved You have weaved
He/She/It has weaved They have weaved
Past Perfect
I had weaved We had weaved
You had weaved You had weaved
He/She/It had weaved They had weaved
Future Perfect
I will have weaved We will have weaved
You will have weaved You will have weaved
He/She/It will have weaved They will have weaved

md5 hash от слова weave: ed6579eaedd0e67b3ed51c7ee7071044



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