

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): whispers.

Синонимы: audition, ear, hearing, hearsay, rumor, rumour, rumours, whispering.

  1. шепот

    low whisper
    тихий шепот

    stage whisper
    театральный шепот

  2. слух

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): whispered.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): whispered.

Синонимы: murmur.

  1. шептать

    whispering gallery
    шепчущая галерея

  2. говорить шепотом
  3. шуршать
  4. шушукаться

Примеры предложений

What did Tom whisper to you?
Что Том тебе шепнул?

'It must be very scary to be you,' Janina said in a whisper.
— Наверное, быть тобой очень страшно, — шёпотом сказала Янина.

What did she whisper to you?
Что она тебе прошептала?

She spoke to me in a whisper.
Она сказала мне шёпотом.

You will see fearful shapes in darkness, and wicked voices will whisper in your ear, but they will not harm you, for against the purity of a little child the powers of Hell cannot prevail.
Ты увидишь страшные фигуры в темноте, и злые голоса будут шептать тебе на ухо, но они не причинят тебе вреда, ибо над чистотой ребёнка силы ада не могут одержать победы.

We spoke in a whisper.
Мы говорили шёпотом.

Tom spoke to Mary in a whisper.
Том говорил с Марией шёпотом.

Tom's voice dropped to a whisper.
Голос Тома снизился до шёпота.

I saw Tom whisper something in Mary's ear.
Я видел, как Том шепнул что-то Мэри на ухо.

Whisper in my ear, Mary.
Шепни мне на ухо, Мэри.

Tom spoke in a loud whisper.
Том говорил громким шёпотом.

Don't raise your voice above a whisper.
Говорите только шепотом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I whisper We whisper
You whisper You whisper
He/She/It whispers They whisper
Past Simple
I whispered We whispered
You whispered You whispered
He/She/It whispered They whispered
Future Simple
I will whisper We will whisper
You will whisper You will whisper
He/She/It will whisper They will whisper

Present Continuous
I am whispering We are whispering
You are whispering You are whispering
He/She/It is whispering They are whispering
Past Continuous
I was whispering We were whispering
You were whispering You were whispering
He/She/It was whispering They were whispering
Future Continuous
I will be whispering We will be whispering
You will be whispering You will be whispering
He/She/It will be whispering They will be whispering

Present Perfect
I have whispered We have whispered
You have whispered You have whispered
He/She/It has whispered They have whispered
Past Perfect
I had whispered We had whispered
You had whispered You had whispered
He/She/It had whispered They had whispered
Future Perfect
I will have whispered We will have whispered
You will have whispered You will have whispered
He/She/It will have whispered They will have whispered

md5 hash от слова whisper: 24412aa365632abdcbf6a6b047647146



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