

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): wiggles.

Синонимы: shaking, wobble.

  1. покачивание
  2. вихляние

verb глагол

Синонимы: coil, flex, meander, serpentine, twist, wind.

  1. покачивать
  2. извиваться
  3. пошевелить
  4. вилять
  5. выкрутиться

Примеры предложений

Tom's shoes were so tight he couldn't wiggle his toes.
Ботинки Тома были такими тесными, что он не мог пошевелить пальцами ног.

Can you wiggle your ears?
Ты можешь пошевелить ушами?

Is there any wiggle room?
Есть ли здесь место для маневра?

Wiggle your toes.
Пошевели пальцами ног.

Wiggle your fingers.
Пошевели пальцами.

Tom can wiggle his ears.
Том может пошевелить ушами.

The doctor asked me to wiggle my toes.
Доктор попросил меня пошевелить пальцами ног.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I wiggle We wiggle
You wiggle You wiggle
He/She/It wiggles They wiggle
Past Simple
I wiggled We wiggled
You wiggled You wiggled
He/She/It wiggled They wiggled
Future Simple
I will wiggle We will wiggle
You will wiggle You will wiggle
He/She/It will wiggle They will wiggle

Present Continuous
I am wiggling We are wiggling
You are wiggling You are wiggling
He/She/It is wiggling They are wiggling
Past Continuous
I was wiggling We were wiggling
You were wiggling You were wiggling
He/She/It was wiggling They were wiggling
Future Continuous
I will be wiggling We will be wiggling
You will be wiggling You will be wiggling
He/She/It will be wiggling They will be wiggling

Present Perfect
I have wiggled We have wiggled
You have wiggled You have wiggled
He/She/It has wiggled They have wiggled
Past Perfect
I had wiggled We had wiggled
You had wiggled You had wiggled
He/She/It had wiggled They had wiggled
Future Perfect
I will have wiggled We will have wiggled
You will have wiggled You will have wiggled
He/She/It will have wiggled They will have wiggled

md5 hash от слова wiggle: 9d2a3d6a4dcf5381cc9f7b9655eda32a



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