

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): worships.

Синонимы: adoration, adulation, apotheosis, belief, celebration, church, creed, deference, devotion, faith, glorification, glorifying, idolatry, worshipping.

  1. поклонение

    place of worship
    место поклонения

    ancestor worship
    культ предков

    religious worship
    религиозное почитание

    spiritual worship
    духовное служение

  2. богослужение

    morning worship
    утреннее богослужение

  3. вероисповедание

    guarantee freedom of worship
    гарантировать свободу вероисповедания

  4. преклонение
  5. прославление

    worship leader
    лидер прославления

  6. религиозные обряды
  7. богопочитание

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): worshiped, worshipped.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): worshiped, worshipped.

Синонимы: revere, venerate, adhere, admire, adore, confess, consider, espouse, esteem, honor, preach, profess, prostrate, reckon, regard.

  1. поклоняться

    worship false gods
    поклоняться ложным богам

  2. боготворить
  3. почитать
  4. благоговеть
  5. исповедовать
  6. славить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений worship на 1 миллион слов: 23.

Примеры предложений

The Greeks used to worship several gods.
Греки поклонялись нескольким богам.

Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.
Между мужчиной и женщиной невозможна дружба. Есть страсть, вражда, обожание, любовь, но не дружба.

I worship the goddess Astarte.
Я поклоняюсь богине Астарте.

They worship the almighty dollar.
Они поклоняются всемогущему доллару.

They worship every Sunday.
Они молятся каждое воскресенье.

The presence of graves in the places of worship is a violation of God's Law.
Наличие захоронений на территории храмов является нарушением Божьего Закона.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I worship We worship
You worship You worship
He/She/It worships They worship
Past Simple
I worshiped We worshiped
You worshiped You worshiped
He/She/It worshiped They worshiped
Future Simple
I will worship We will worship
You will worship You will worship
He/She/It will worship They will worship

Present Continuous
I am worshiping We are worshiping
You are worshiping You are worshiping
He/She/It is worshiping They are worshiping
Past Continuous
I was worshiping We were worshiping
You were worshiping You were worshiping
He/She/It was worshiping They were worshiping
Future Continuous
I will be worshiping We will be worshiping
You will be worshiping You will be worshiping
He/She/It will be worshiping They will be worshiping

Present Perfect
I have worshiped We have worshiped
You have worshiped You have worshiped
He/She/It has worshiped They have worshiped
Past Perfect
I had worshiped We had worshiped
You had worshiped You had worshiped
He/She/It had worshiped They had worshiped
Future Perfect
I will have worshiped We will have worshiped
You will have worshiped You will have worshiped
He/She/It will have worshiped They will have worshiped

md5 hash от слова worship: f7b0e354b768a2e09b31aa55744ef613



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