

verb глагол

Синонимы: gain, accrue, adopt, appear, assimilate, assume, collect, come, cope, derive, develop, digest, find, gather, have.

  1. приобретать

    acquire shares
    приобретать акции

    acquired company
    приобретенная компания

    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
    синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита

    acquired immune deficiency
    приобретенный иммунодефицит

  2. получать

    acquire new knowledge
    получать новые знания

    acquire skills
    получить навыки

  3. обзаводиться
  4. овладевать
  5. обрести

    acquire wisdom
    обрести мудрость

  6. усваивать
  7. накопить
  8. появиться
  9. нажить

    acquired property
    нажитое имущество

  10. осваивать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений acquire на 1 миллион слов: 17.

Примеры предложений

I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert.
Мне удалось достать два билета на концерт.

You have to acquire real skills, not just superficial knowledge.
Ты должен приобрести настоящие навыки, а не просто поверхностные знания.

The younger a country, the more vigorously it tries to acquire its history.
Чем моложе страна, тем энергичнее её попытки обрести историю.

It is one thing to acquire knowledge; it is quite another to apply it.
Одно дело - приобрести знание. Совсем другое - применить его.

I managed to acquire the book after a long search.
После долгих поисков, мне удалось достать книгу.

It's easy to acquire bad habits.
Легко приобрести плохие привычки.

One of the first goals when learning a foreign language which uses another writing system should be to acquire this very writing system as quickly as possible.
Одной из первых целей при изучении иностранного языка с другой письменностью должно быть возможно более быстрое усвоение этой письменности.

In addition, we are looking for an consultant who can assist us in leveraging their expertise of the market to acquire product from manufacturers in the area.
Кроме того, мы ищем консультанта, который поможет нам, полагаясь на собственный опыт и знание рынка, приобретать продукты от производителей в этом регионе.

You call me lazy? Ha! I devised a way to acquire anything I need from the comfort of my chair with just the ring of a bell! I call it: my little sister. Genius, isn't it?
Ты говоришь, я ленив? Ха! Я измыслил способ получать всё мне необходимое, не покидая удобного кресла, лишь по звонку колокольчика! Я называю его своей младшей сестрой. Гениально, не правда ли?

There is a big difference between learning a language in order to understand or to say something if needed, and wanting to acquire a second language in order to command it freely, almost like you command your first language, your mother tongue.
Существует большая разница между изучением языка, чтобы понять или сказать что-нибудь в случае необходимости, и усилиями, направленными на приобретение второго языка, чтобы говорить свободно, почти как на первом, на родном языке.

Had I the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
Будь у меня деньги, я бы сразу же приобрёл этот компьютер.

If I had the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
Будь у меня деньги, я бы сразу же приобрёл этот компьютер.

Tom can't get a job because he doesn't have any experience, but he can't acquire experience because he can't get a job.
Том не может устроиться на работу, потому что у него нет опыта, но он не может приобрести опыт, потому что не может устроиться на работу.

Where can I acquire a live tiger?
Где я могу приобрести живого тигра?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I acquire We acquire
You acquire You acquire
He/She/It acquires They acquire
Past Simple
I acquired We acquired
You acquired You acquired
He/She/It acquired They acquired
Future Simple
I will acquire We will acquire
You will acquire You will acquire
He/She/It will acquire They will acquire

Present Continuous
I am acquiring We are acquiring
You are acquiring You are acquiring
He/She/It is acquiring They are acquiring
Past Continuous
I was acquiring We were acquiring
You were acquiring You were acquiring
He/She/It was acquiring They were acquiring
Future Continuous
I will be acquiring We will be acquiring
You will be acquiring You will be acquiring
He/She/It will be acquiring They will be acquiring

Present Perfect
I have acquired We have acquired
You have acquired You have acquired
He/She/It has acquired They have acquired
Past Perfect
I had acquired We had acquired
You had acquired You had acquired
He/She/It had acquired They had acquired
Future Perfect
I will have acquired We will have acquired
You will have acquired You will have acquired
He/She/It will have acquired They will have acquired

md5 hash от слова acquire: 86a4fa105ff51b8c3be84734797d8144


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