

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): appeared.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): appeared.

Синонимы: originate, stand, acquire, act, advocate, arise, bulge, campaign, come, compete, confide, exit, fall, fancy, found.

  1. появиться

    appear everywhere
    появиться везде

  2. казаться

    appear so
    казаться настолько

    appear differently
    выглядеть иначе

    appear first
    показаться сперва

  3. появляться

    also appear
    также появляться

    appear spontaneously
    возникать спонтанно

  4. проявляться

    appear gradually
    проявляться постепенно

  5. оказаться

    appear in court
    явиться в суд

  6. выступать

    appear on stage
    выступать на сцене

  7. выйти
  8. предстать
  9. показываться
  10. открыться
  11. образоваться

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений appear на 1 миллион слов: 103.

Примеры предложений

Tom doesn't appear to agree.
Том, кажется, не согласен

Tom was asked to appear on television.
Тома попросили принять участие в телепередаче.

The boy is sick, though he doesn't appear so.
Мальчик болен, хотя он и не выглядит так.

Tom doesn't want to appear weak.
Том не желает казаться слабым.

I don't want to appear ungrateful.
Я не хочу выглядеть неблагодарным.

Kelly will appear on TV.
Келли покажут по телевизору.

I hope that Emi will appear soon. I'm tired of waiting for her.
Надеюсь, что Эми скоро появится. Я уже устала её ждать.

Hatred doesn't just appear out of thin air; it usually starts from envy or fear.
Ненависть не рождается на пустом месте, она обычно начинается с зависти или страха.

Under a microscope, some viruses appear quite beautiful.
Под микроскопом некоторые вирусы выглядят очень красиво.

I appear to have misplaced my keys.
По всей видимости, я куда-то дел свои ключи.

Dinosaurs could appear on Earth soon.
На Земле скоро появятся динозавры.

Tom must appear in court on October 20th.
Том должен явиться в суд двадцатого октября.

I would like a list of the Italian words that don't appear in the corpus yet.
Я бы хотел список итальянских слов, которых ещё нет в корпусе.

My name doesn't appear on the list.
Моё имя не фигурирует в списке.

You have to appear in person.
Тебе следует явиться лично.

Stars began to appear in the sky.
На небе начали появляться звёзды.

Japan may appear to be peaceful and tranquil on the surface but the fact is that there are a lot of deep-rooted problems.
С первого взгляда Япония может показаться мирным и спокойным местом, но на самом деле там хватает проблем.

Orchids were one of the first flowers to appear on Earth.
Орхидеи были одними из первых цветов, появившимися на Земле.

He did not appear at all, which made her very uneasy.
Он вообще не появился, и от этого ей было очень неуютно.

He doesn't appear to be wise, does he?
Он не выглядит умным, верно?

I don't want to appear weak.
Я не хочу показаться слабым.

He did not appear until about noon.
Он не появлялся до полудня.

He was summoned to appear in court.
Он был вызван в суд.

Their view of life may appear strange.
Их взгляды на жизнь могут показаться странными.

She didn't appear to recognize me.
Кажется, она не узнала меня.

Tom and Mary appear surprised.
Том с Мэри кажутся удивленными.

Tom didn't appear during the meal.
Том не появился во время еды.

The figures for recidivism rates among murderers cited in the newspaper appear to have been taken out of thin air.
Цифры по проценту рецидивов среди убийц, приведённые в газете, выглядят взятыми с потолка.

Northern lights appear all year round in Greenland.
Северное сияние в Гренландии появляется на протяжении всего года.

Why do birds suddenly appear every time spring is near?
Почему с приближением весны всегда вдруг появляются птицы?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I appear We appear
You appear You appear
He/She/It appears They appear
Past Simple
I appeared We appeared
You appeared You appeared
He/She/It appeared They appeared
Future Simple
I will appear We will appear
You will appear You will appear
He/She/It will appear They will appear

Present Continuous
I am appearing We are appearing
You are appearing You are appearing
He/She/It is appearing They are appearing
Past Continuous
I was appearing We were appearing
You were appearing You were appearing
He/She/It was appearing They were appearing
Future Continuous
I will be appearing We will be appearing
You will be appearing You will be appearing
He/She/It will be appearing They will be appearing

Present Perfect
I have appeared We have appeared
You have appeared You have appeared
He/She/It has appeared They have appeared
Past Perfect
I had appeared We had appeared
You had appeared You had appeared
He/She/It had appeared They had appeared
Future Perfect
I will have appeared We will have appeared
You will have appeared You will have appeared
He/She/It will have appeared They will have appeared

md5 hash от слова appear: fb67f8d67111c4f85b8abb1327308b4f


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