

verb глагол

Синонимы: explore, analyze, anatomize, assay, decompose, dissect, examine, investigate, parse, probe, research, search, sift, vet.

  1. анализировать

    analyse information
    анализировать информацию

    analyse the situation
    проанализировать ситуацию

  2. исследовать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений analyse на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

When you analyse what he says, it seems somewhat naïve and simplistic.
Когда вы анализируете то, что он говорит, это кажется несколько наивным и упрощенным.

We will later analyse the results to find out what went wrong, as we do not want to repeat the same mistakes in the future.
Позже мы проанализируем результаты, чтобы выяснить, что пошло не так, так как мы не хотим повторять те же ошибки в будущем.

Eva climbed the stairs to Romer's office, trying to analyse the complex smell in the stairwell - a cross between mushrooms and soot, ancient stour and mildew, she decided.
Ева поднялась по лестнице в кабинет Ромера, пытаясь проанализировать сложный запах на лестничной клетке - нечто среднее между грибами и сажей, древним запахом и плесенью, решила она.

The council held a meeting to analyse the rescheduling.
Совет провел заседание для анализа переноса сроков.

You cannot analyse the data efficiently unless you draw a plot.
Вы не сможете эффективно анализировать данные, если не нарисуете график.

The coach showed his team a video of their opposition's latest game, so they could analyse their style of play and, in particular, identify their weaknesses.
Тренер показал своей команде видеозапись последней игры соперника, чтобы они могли проанализировать свой стиль игры и, в частности, определить свои слабые стороны.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I analyse We analyse
You analyse You analyse
He/She/It analyses They analyse
Past Simple
I analysed We analysed
You analysed You analysed
He/She/It analysed They analysed
Future Simple
I will analyse We will analyse
You will analyse You will analyse
He/She/It will analyse They will analyse

Present Continuous
I am analysing We are analysing
You are analysing You are analysing
He/She/It is analysing They are analysing
Past Continuous
I was analysing We were analysing
You were analysing You were analysing
He/She/It was analysing They were analysing
Future Continuous
I will be analysing We will be analysing
You will be analysing You will be analysing
He/She/It will be analysing They will be analysing

Present Perfect
I have analysed We have analysed
You have analysed You have analysed
He/She/It has analysed They have analysed
Past Perfect
I had analysed We had analysed
You had analysed You had analysed
He/She/It had analysed They had analysed
Future Perfect
I will have analysed We will have analysed
You will have analysed You will have analysed
He/She/It will have analysed They will have analysed

md5 hash от слова analyse: bad47b251ce2232bd69b2445aca3332b


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