

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): probes.

Синонимы: investigation, sampler, assay, audition, changer, check, checker, checking, checkout, converter, enquiry, examination, fineness, hallmark, inquest.

  1. зонд

    space probe
    космический зонд

    temperature probe
    датчик температуры

    measuring probe
    измерительный щуп

  2. пробник

    logic probe
    логический пробник

  3. проба
  4. зондирование

    remote probe
    дистанционное зондирование

  5. расследование

    new probe
    новое расследование

    last probe
    последнее исследование

  6. преобразователь
  7. проверка
  8. штырь

    steel probe
    стальной штырь

  9. пробоотборник
  10. измерительная головка
  11. контактный датчик

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): probed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): probed.

Синонимы: explore, analyse, examine, investigate, prod, reconnoiter, research, search, vet.

  1. исследовать
  2. зондировать

    probe pulse
    зондирующий импульс

  3. прощупывать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: evaluation, mock, proof, sample, trial.

  1. зондовый

    scanning probe microscopy
    сканирующая зондовая микроскопия

  2. пробный

    probing questions
    пробные вопросы

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений probe на 1 миллион слов: 10.

Примеры предложений

The mission will be considered a success if the probe reaches Pluto.
Эта миссия будет считаться успешной, если зонд достигнет Плутона.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I probe We probe
You probe You probe
He/She/It probes They probe
Past Simple
I probed We probed
You probed You probed
He/She/It probed They probed
Future Simple
I will probe We will probe
You will probe You will probe
He/She/It will probe They will probe

Present Continuous
I am probing We are probing
You are probing You are probing
He/She/It is probing They are probing
Past Continuous
I was probing We were probing
You were probing You were probing
He/She/It was probing They were probing
Future Continuous
I will be probing We will be probing
You will be probing You will be probing
He/She/It will be probing They will be probing

Present Perfect
I have probed We have probed
You have probed You have probed
He/She/It has probed They have probed
Past Perfect
I had probed We had probed
You had probed You had probed
He/She/It had probed They had probed
Future Perfect
I will have probed We will have probed
You will have probed You will have probed
He/She/It will have probed They will have probed

md5 hash от слова probe: 8da843ff65205a61374b09b81ed0fa35


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