

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): attended.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): attended.

Синонимы: cater, follow, handle, address, busy, care, companion, concern, conduct, deal, do, escort, exist, eye, hark.

  1. посещать

    attend primary school
    посещать начальную школу

    attend football matches
    посещать футбольные матчи

    attend social events
    посещать светские мероприятия

    attend church services
    посещать богослужения

  2. присутствовать

    attend a funeral
    присутствовать на похоронах

  3. обслуживать

    attending personnel
    обслуживающий персонал

  4. сопровождать
  5. заботиться
  6. следить
  7. уделять внимание
  8. ходить

    attend lectures
    ходить на лекции

  9. заниматься
  10. учиться

    attend university
    учиться в университете

  11. слушать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений attend на 1 миллион слов: 42.

Примеры предложений

I came to Tokyo to attend a conference.
Я приехал в Токио, чтобы присутствовать на конференции.

It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting.
Нам необязательно присутствовать на собрании.

You'll have to attend the ceremony whether you are free or busy.
Ты должен присутствовать на церемонии, будешь ты свободен от дел или нет.

I didn't attend Tom and Mary's wedding.
Я не был на свадьбе у Тома и Мэри.

My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance.
Моя мать будет присматривать за ребёнком, пока я пойду на танцы.

Since it's important, I'll attend to it.
Поскольку это важно, я прослежу за этим.

Tom would have liked to attend Mary's party. Unfortunately, he had other things he had to do.
Тому хотелось бы посетить вечеринку Мэри. К сожалению, у него были другие дела.

There is no one to attend to that patient.
Некому заняться этим пациентом.

Are you going to attend Tom and Mary's wedding?
Ты пойдёшь к Тому и Мэри на свадьбу?

I think I'll have to attend that meeting.
Думаю, мне придётся пойти на это собрание.

One of us will attend the meeting.
Одна из нас придёт на собрание.

Tom and Mary's friends came from far and wide to attend their wedding.
Друзья Тома и Мэри съехались отовсюду, чтобы поприсутствовать на их свадьбе.

When Mary told her parents that she wanted to marry Tom, they said that they wouldn't attend the wedding.
Когда Мария сообщила своим родителям, что хочет выйти замуж за Тома, они сказали, что не пойдут на свадьбу.

Tom left early to attend a funeral.
Том ушёл пораньше, чтобы пойти на похороны.

I have to leave early today because I have to attend a funeral.
Сегодня мне нужно уйти пораньше, так как я иду на похороны.

I had to attend a meeting so I couldn't make it in time to pick Tom up after school.
Я должен был попасть на встречу, поэтому я не мог забрать Тома со школы вовремя.

The monarch is supposed to attend the funeral.
Монарх должен присутствовать на похоронах.

Is it necessary for me to attend the party?
Мне обязательно идти на вечеринку?

I was unable to attend the party, nor did I want to.
Я не смог прийти на вечеринку, да и не хотел.

I will not attend the party.
Меня не будет на вечеринке.

I have to attend a meeting.
Я должен присутствовать на собрании.

Are you going to attend ceremony?
Ты собираешься присутствовать на церемонии?

Tom won't attend today's meeting.
Том не придёт на сегодняшнее собрание.

He didn't attend the meeting.
Он не был на встрече.

She will attend the meeting instead of me.
Она пойдёт на собрание вместо меня.

Tom called to say he couldn't attend the meeting.
Том позвонил сказать, что не может прийти на собрание.

Tom didn't attend yesterday's meeting.
Том не был на вчерашнем собрании.

Tom said that he was going to attend tomorrow's meeting.
Том сказал, что собирается прийти на завтрашнее собрание.

Tom said he was going to attend tomorrow's meeting.
Том сказал, что собирается прийти на завтрашнее собрание.

I have an important meeting to attend this afternoon.
Сегодня днём мне надо быть на важной встрече.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I attend We attend
You attend You attend
He/She/It attends They attend
Past Simple
I attended We attended
You attended You attended
He/She/It attended They attended
Future Simple
I will attend We will attend
You will attend You will attend
He/She/It will attend They will attend

Present Continuous
I am attending We are attending
You are attending You are attending
He/She/It is attending They are attending
Past Continuous
I was attending We were attending
You were attending You were attending
He/She/It was attending They were attending
Future Continuous
I will be attending We will be attending
You will be attending You will be attending
He/She/It will be attending They will be attending

Present Perfect
I have attended We have attended
You have attended You have attended
He/She/It has attended They have attended
Past Perfect
I had attended We had attended
You had attended You had attended
He/She/It had attended They had attended
Future Perfect
I will have attended We will have attended
You will have attended You will have attended
He/She/It will have attended They will have attended

md5 hash от слова attend: fa5286e3b4f46adc09ccbdf5989087c7


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