

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): conducts.

Синонимы: action, authority, behaving, behavior, behaviour, competence, conducting, dealing, demeanor, demeanour, directing, habit, keeping, leading, maintaining.

  1. ведение

    conduct of public affairs
    ведение государственных дел

    conduct of elections
    проведение выборов

  2. поведение

    rule of conduct
    правило поведения

    code of professional conduct
    кодекс профессионального поведения

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): conducted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): conducted.

Синонимы: guide, steer, act, address, attend, busy, concern, deal, do, draw, dribble, fight, handle, have, keep.

  1. провести

    conduct an experiment
    провести эксперимент

    conduct market research
    проводить маркетинговые исследования

    conduct foreign policy
    проводить внешнюю политику

    conduct nuclear tests
    проводить ядерные испытания

  2. вести

    conduct patrols
    осуществлять патрулирование

  3. дирижировать

    conduct the orchestra
    дирижировать оркестром

  4. заниматься
  5. осуществить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений conduct на 1 миллион слов: 33.

Примеры предложений

There are experiments you can't conduct on your own self.
Есть эксперименты, которые нельзя ставить на себе.

Your conduct doesn't become a gentleman.
Ваше поведение не подобает джентльмену.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.
Твоё поведение в высшей степени постыдно.

His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship.
Прилежанием и хорошим поведением он добился для себя стипендии.

All gods are better than their conduct.
Все боги лучше, чем их собственное поведение.

The boy was awarded a prize for good conduct.
Мальчик был награждён за примерное поведение.

The girl was given a prize for good conduct.
Девочка получила награду за хорошее поведение.

Such conduct does not become a gentleman.
Такое поведение не подобает джентльмену.

You must answer for your careless conduct.
Ты должен ответить за своё легкомысленное поведение.

Tom justified his conduct by saying he was very upset.
Том оправдывался тем, что был очень расстроен.

He shamed his whole family by his conduct.
Он опозорил всю семью своим поведением.

I don't approve of his conduct.
Я не одобряю его поведение.

Why does he always make allowances for her conduct?
Почему он всегда находит оправдания её поступкам?

I am ashamed of my son's conduct.
Мне стыдно за поведение моего сына.

No blame attaches to his conduct.
Его поведение не в чем упрекнуть.

His conduct is above suspicion.
Его поведение под подозрением.

His conduct was admirable.
Его поведение было достойно восхищения.

He is known for his eccentric conduct.
Он узнаваем благодаря своему экстравагантному поведению.

Tom was discharged from the army for conduct unbecoming an officer.
Тома отстранили от службы в армии за поведение, неподобающее офицеру.

Tom's conduct is a reflection on the way he was brought up.
Поведение Тома – это отражение того, как он был воспитан.

Why does water conduct electricity?
Почему вода проводит электричество?

Tom's conduct was beyond reproach.
Поведение Тома было безупречным.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that treats of human conduct.
Этика - это отрасль философии, занимающаяся поведением человека.

The golden rule of conduct is mutual toleration, seeing that we will never all think alike and we shall always see Truth in fragments and from different angles of vision.
Золотое правило поведения - взаимная толерантность, учитывая, что мы никогда не будем думать одинаково и всегда будем видеть истину фрагментарно и с разных точек зрения.

Does water conduct electricity?
Вода проводит электричество?

Metals conduct electricity.
Металлы проводят электрический ток.

Such conduct is unworthy of a teacher.
Такое поведение недостойно учителя.

You should be ashamed of your conduct.
Тебе должно быть стыдно за своё поведение.

We were surprised at his conduct.
Мы были удивлены его поведением.

I can't explain the reason for his conduct.
Я не могу объяснить причину его поведения.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I conduct We conduct
You conduct You conduct
He/She/It conducts They conduct
Past Simple
I conducted We conducted
You conducted You conducted
He/She/It conducted They conducted
Future Simple
I will conduct We will conduct
You will conduct You will conduct
He/She/It will conduct They will conduct

Present Continuous
I am conducting We are conducting
You are conducting You are conducting
He/She/It is conducting They are conducting
Past Continuous
I was conducting We were conducting
You were conducting You were conducting
He/She/It was conducting They were conducting
Future Continuous
I will be conducting We will be conducting
You will be conducting You will be conducting
He/She/It will be conducting They will be conducting

Present Perfect
I have conducted We have conducted
You have conducted You have conducted
He/She/It has conducted They have conducted
Past Perfect
I had conducted We had conducted
You had conducted You had conducted
He/She/It had conducted They had conducted
Future Perfect
I will have conducted We will have conducted
You will have conducted You will have conducted
He/She/It will have conducted They will have conducted

md5 hash от слова conduct: 45fb9b76950ea7ac85e5e489dab1c654


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