

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): bellows.

Синонимы: bellows, fur, roar, roaring, shrieking, skin, squall, wail, yelling.

  1. рев

    bellow of rage
    яростный рев

  2. вопль
  3. мычание
  4. Беллоу
  5. мех
  6. гармошка

verb глагол

Синонимы: grunts, low, roar, shout, squawk.

  1. реветь
  2. орать
  3. мычать
  4. рявкнуть
  5. завыть

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: bellows, sylphon.

  1. сильфонный

Примеры предложений

Do the oxen bellow when their mangers are full?
Мычат ли волы, когда их ясли полны?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I bellow We bellow
You bellow You bellow
He/She/It bellows They bellow
Past Simple
I bellowed We bellowed
You bellowed You bellowed
He/She/It bellowed They bellowed
Future Simple
I will bellow We will bellow
You will bellow You will bellow
He/She/It will bellow They will bellow

Present Continuous
I am bellowing We are bellowing
You are bellowing You are bellowing
He/She/It is bellowing They are bellowing
Past Continuous
I was bellowing We were bellowing
You were bellowing You were bellowing
He/She/It was bellowing They were bellowing
Future Continuous
I will be bellowing We will be bellowing
You will be bellowing You will be bellowing
He/She/It will be bellowing They will be bellowing

Present Perfect
I have bellowed We have bellowed
You have bellowed You have bellowed
He/She/It has bellowed They have bellowed
Past Perfect
I had bellowed We had bellowed
You had bellowed You had bellowed
He/She/It had bellowed They had bellowed
Future Perfect
I will have bellowed We will have bellowed
You will have bellowed You will have bellowed
He/She/It will have bellowed They will have bellowed

md5 hash от слова bellow: 98c55587f5e2a59f96a087961292dcee


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