

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): roars.

Синонимы: roaring, bellow, burr, clamor, clutter, commotion, fuss, murmur, noise, outcry, racket, ruckus, sound, tumult, uproar.

  1. рев

    roar of engines
    рев моторов

    deafening roar
    оглушительный грохот

    leonine roar
    львиный рык

    terrible roar
    страшный гул

    dull roar
    глухой рокот

  2. шум

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): roared.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): roared.

Синонимы: bellow, boom, drone, growl, hoot, hum, rage, ravage, rumble, storm.

  1. рычать
  2. реветь

    roar so
    реветь так

  3. грохотать
  4. рыкать
  5. заорать
  6. бушевать
  7. гудеть

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений roar на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Did you hear the lion roar?
Ты слышал рев льва?

Leo started to roar when he was two years old.
Лео начал рычать, когда ему было два года.

Did you hear the roar of the lions?
Ты слышал рычание львов?

I cannot roar like a lion. I'm a jackal.
Я не могу рычать, как лев. Я шакал.

I am not a lion but I too can roar.
Я не лев, но тоже умею рычать.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I roar We roar
You roar You roar
He/She/It roars They roar
Past Simple
I roared We roared
You roared You roared
He/She/It roared They roared
Future Simple
I will roar We will roar
You will roar You will roar
He/She/It will roar They will roar

Present Continuous
I am roaring We are roaring
You are roaring You are roaring
He/She/It is roaring They are roaring
Past Continuous
I was roaring We were roaring
You were roaring You were roaring
He/She/It was roaring They were roaring
Future Continuous
I will be roaring We will be roaring
You will be roaring You will be roaring
He/She/It will be roaring They will be roaring

Present Perfect
I have roared We have roared
You have roared You have roared
He/She/It has roared They have roared
Past Perfect
I had roared We had roared
You had roared You had roared
He/She/It had roared They had roared
Future Perfect
I will have roared We will have roared
You will have roared You will have roared
He/She/It will have roared They will have roared

md5 hash от слова roar: cc5985ab3406f600b03a786c516fb09a


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