

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): chases.

Синонимы: chasing, coinage, coining, coins, engraving, hunting, mintage, minting.

  1. погоня

    car chase
    автомобильная погоня

  2. Чейз
  3. гоньба
  4. чеканка
  5. охотники

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): chased.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): chased.

Синонимы: dislodge, disperse, eject, elope, escape, expel, flee, harass, haunt, hound, hurry, oust, persecute, plague, prosecute.

  1. преследовать
  2. бежать
  3. выгонять

    chase away
    прогнать прочь

  4. разгонять
  5. прогонять
  6. гоняться
  7. гнаться
  8. догонять


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и chase: aches.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений chase на 1 миллион слов: 19.

Примеры предложений

Those who chase two rabbits at once will catch neither.
За двумя зайцами погонишься - ни одного не поймаешь.

This cat doesn't chase rats.
Этот кот не охотится на крыс.

Let's stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase.
Давайте перестанем ходить вокруг да около и перейдём к делу.

Why do squirrels chase each other?
Почему белки гоняются друг за другом?

We knew that the dog would chase the cat.
Мы знали, что собака погонится за кошкой.

Clever ideas often chase me, but I'm faster!
Умные мысли часто преследуют меня, но я быстрее!

It was a wild goose chase.
Это была сумасбродная затея.

Don't chase after fame.
Не гоняйся за славой.

Tom watched the squirrels chase each other.
Том наблюдал, как белки гоняются друг за другом.

Why do dogs chase squirrels?
Почему собаки гоняются за белками?

You chase him out the door, but he climbs in through the window.
Его в дверь гонишь, а он в окно лезет.

A woman with two small children in her car led police on a wild car chase through the city, reaching speeds in excess of 140 kilometers per hour.
Женщина, в машине которой было два маленьких ребёнка, устроила бешеную гонку с полицией по городу, разгоняясь свыше 140 километров в час.

This cat doesn't chase mice.
Этот кот не охотится на мышей.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I chase We chase
You chase You chase
He/She/It chases They chase
Past Simple
I chased We chased
You chased You chased
He/She/It chased They chased
Future Simple
I will chase We will chase
You will chase You will chase
He/She/It will chase They will chase

Present Continuous
I am chasing We are chasing
You are chasing You are chasing
He/She/It is chasing They are chasing
Past Continuous
I was chasing We were chasing
You were chasing You were chasing
He/She/It was chasing They were chasing
Future Continuous
I will be chasing We will be chasing
You will be chasing You will be chasing
He/She/It will be chasing They will be chasing

Present Perfect
I have chased We have chased
You have chased You have chased
He/She/It has chased They have chased
Past Perfect
I had chased We had chased
You had chased You had chased
He/She/It had chased They had chased
Future Perfect
I will have chased We will have chased
You will have chased You will have chased
He/She/It will have chased They will have chased

md5 hash от слова chase: cd8e7918010a87cc619849e00265c9a6


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