

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): hounds.

Синонимы: bloodhound, canine, cur, dog, ferret, goon, skunk, sneak, snoop.

  1. ищейка

    hell hounds
    адские гончие

  2. собака

    black hounds
    черные собаки

    hunting hound
    охотничий пес

  3. гончий пес
  4. подлец

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): hounded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): hounded.

Синонимы: harass, bait, chase, etch, haunt, persecute, plague, prosecute, pursue, seek, stalk, veer.

  1. преследовать
  2. травить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений hound на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

Spring over the ground like a hunting hound.
Прыгай по земле, как охотничья гончая.

He mounted his horse, and with his faithful hound went on seeking further adventures through the world.
Он сел на коня и вместе со своим верным псом отправился на поиски дальнейших приключений по всему миру.

The hound was in full chase of the bear.
Гончая была в полной погоне за медведем.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hound We hound
You hound You hound
He/She/It hounds They hound
Past Simple
I hounded We hounded
You hounded You hounded
He/She/It hounded They hounded
Future Simple
I will hound We will hound
You will hound You will hound
He/She/It will hound They will hound

Present Continuous
I am hounding We are hounding
You are hounding You are hounding
He/She/It is hounding They are hounding
Past Continuous
I was hounding We were hounding
You were hounding You were hounding
He/She/It was hounding They were hounding
Future Continuous
I will be hounding We will be hounding
You will be hounding You will be hounding
He/She/It will be hounding They will be hounding

Present Perfect
I have hounded We have hounded
You have hounded You have hounded
He/She/It has hounded They have hounded
Past Perfect
I had hounded We had hounded
You had hounded You had hounded
He/She/It had hounded They had hounded
Future Perfect
I will have hounded We will have hounded
You will have hounded You will have hounded
He/She/It will have hounded They will have hounded

md5 hash от слова hound: be342f6ba4432ee2cc3396b34a0a5463



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