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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): complements.

Синонимы: accompaniment, addendum, add-in, addition, adjunct, appendage, augmentation, complementation, complementing, completing, enhancement, extension, extra, kit, padding.

  1. дополнение

    orthogonal complement
    ортогональное дополнение

  2. комплект

    full complement
    полный комплект

  3. комплемент
  4. поразрядное дополнение

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): complemented.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): complemented.

Синонимы: accompany, amplify, append, augment, complete, compliment, enlarge, replenish, supplement.

  1. дополнять
  2. комплектовать
  3. служить дополнением

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: add, added, add-in, addition, additional, advanced, complementary, extra, extras, further, incidental, incremental, more, optional, padding.

  1. дополнительный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений complement на 1 миллион слов: 10.

Примеры предложений

Listening to classical music and studying complement one another.
Слушать классическую музыку и заниматься — органично сочетается друг с другом.

Replace the complement with the appropriate pronoun.
Замени дополнение соответствующим местоимением.

You complement me.
Ты меня дополняешь.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I complement We complement
You complement You complement
He/She/It complements They complement
Past Simple
I complemented We complemented
You complemented You complemented
He/She/It complemented They complemented
Future Simple
I will complement We will complement
You will complement You will complement
He/She/It will complement They will complement

Present Continuous
I am complementing We are complementing
You are complementing You are complementing
He/She/It is complementing They are complementing
Past Continuous
I was complementing We were complementing
You were complementing You were complementing
He/She/It was complementing They were complementing
Future Continuous
I will be complementing We will be complementing
You will be complementing You will be complementing
He/She/It will be complementing They will be complementing

Present Perfect
I have complemented We have complemented
You have complemented You have complemented
He/She/It has complemented They have complemented
Past Perfect
I had complemented We had complemented
You had complemented You had complemented
He/She/It had complemented They had complemented
Future Perfect
I will have complemented We will have complemented
You will have complemented You will have complemented
He/She/It will have complemented They will have complemented

md5 hash от слова complement: e6c27da919729d57801e6aa56be4a5e3



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