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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): compliments.

Синонимы: bow, bowing, congratulating, favor, greeting, kindness, obliging, reverence.

  1. комплимент

    make a compliment
    сделать комплимент

    high compliment
    высокая похвала

  2. поздравление

    sincere compliments
    искренние поздравления

  3. любезность

    exchange of compliments
    обмен любезностями

  4. поклон

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): complimented.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): complimented.

Синонимы: acclaim, accompany, amplify, append, applaud, appreciate, augment, complement, encourage, enlarge, greet, hail, hello, replenish, salute.

  1. приветствовать
  2. похвалить
  3. дополнять
  4. подарить
  5. делать комплимент
  6. польстить

Примеры предложений

I do not know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.
Я не знаю, расценивать этот как комплимент или как оскорбление.

Please compliment her on my behalf.
Пожалуйста, поздравьте её от моего имени.

In some cultures, a resounding belch after a meal is considered a compliment to the chef.
В некоторых культурах громкое рыгание после еды считается комплиментом в адрес повара.

Is know-it-all an insult or a compliment?
Умник — это оскорбление или комплимент?

Is it a compliment or an insult?
Это комплимент или оскорбление?

She felt herself flattered by this compliment.
Её польстил этот комплимент.

Mary wasn't sure what to feel when Tom compared her breasts to twin stoats with pointed noses. Although that must have been meant as a compliment, it was certainly a very peculiar one at that.
У Мэри было двойственное чувство, когда Том сравнил её груди с двумя близнецами-горностаями с острыми носиками. Хотя это наверняка должно было быть комплиментом, но комплиментом при этом явно весьма необычным.

I'll take that as a compliment.
Будем считать, что это комплимент.

People tend to only compliment you on your language ability when it's apparent that you still don't quite sound like a native speaker.
Люди склонны хвалить ваше владение иностранным языком только тогда, когда очевидно, что вы ещё не дотягиваете до носителя языка.

That isn't a compliment, is it?
Это ведь не комплимент.

I will take that as a compliment.
Будем считать, что это комплимент.

I'm not sure if it's a compliment or an insult.
Я не уверена, комплимент это или оскорбление.

I take that as a compliment.
Будем считать, что это комплимент.

She thanked me for the compliment.
Она поблагодарила меня за комплимент.

Tom paid me a compliment.
Том сделал мне комплимент.

Is it a compliment?
Это комплимент?

Is this a compliment?
Это комплимент?

It's a compliment.
Это комплимент.

I'll take it as a compliment.
Приму это как комплимент.

He paid me a compliment.
Он мне сделал комплимент.

Is that a compliment?
Это комплимент?

Should I take that as a compliment?
Мне расценивать это как комплимент?

Can I take that as a compliment?
Могу я считать это комплиментом?

Thanks for the compliment.
Спасибо за комплимент.

Is that supposed to be a compliment?
Это должен был быть комплимент?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I compliment We compliment
You compliment You compliment
He/She/It compliments They compliment
Past Simple
I complimented We complimented
You complimented You complimented
He/She/It complimented They complimented
Future Simple
I will compliment We will compliment
You will compliment You will compliment
He/She/It will compliment They will compliment

Present Continuous
I am complimenting We are complimenting
You are complimenting You are complimenting
He/She/It is complimenting They are complimenting
Past Continuous
I was complimenting We were complimenting
You were complimenting You were complimenting
He/She/It was complimenting They were complimenting
Future Continuous
I will be complimenting We will be complimenting
You will be complimenting You will be complimenting
He/She/It will be complimenting They will be complimenting

Present Perfect
I have complimented We have complimented
You have complimented You have complimented
He/She/It has complimented They have complimented
Past Perfect
I had complimented We had complimented
You had complimented You had complimented
He/She/It had complimented They had complimented
Future Perfect
I will have complimented We will have complimented
You will have complimented You will have complimented
He/She/It will have complimented They will have complimented

md5 hash от слова compliment: 3712c3d678c38307b04845ce744f1c79



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