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Добавляйте слова в закладки и запоминайте их методом интервальных повторений!


verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): conflated.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): conflated.

Синонимы: aggregate, amalgamate, combine, comprise, connect, consolidate, embody, embrace, meld, organize, unify, unite.

  1. объединять
  2. сводить воедино

Примеры предложений

There's a tendency to conflate proposing a solution with actually solving the problem. I think it's important to differentiate between the two.
Существует тенденция к смешению таких понятий, как предлагать решение проблемы и собственно решать её. Я думаю, что важно различать их.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I conflate We conflate
You conflate You conflate
He/She/It conflates They conflate
Past Simple
I conflated We conflated
You conflated You conflated
He/She/It conflated They conflated
Future Simple
I will conflate We will conflate
You will conflate You will conflate
He/She/It will conflate They will conflate

Present Continuous
I am conflating We are conflating
You are conflating You are conflating
He/She/It is conflating They are conflating
Past Continuous
I was conflating We were conflating
You were conflating You were conflating
He/She/It was conflating They were conflating
Future Continuous
I will be conflating We will be conflating
You will be conflating You will be conflating
He/She/It will be conflating They will be conflating

Present Perfect
I have conflated We have conflated
You have conflated You have conflated
He/She/It has conflated They have conflated
Past Perfect
I had conflated We had conflated
You had conflated You had conflated
He/She/It had conflated They had conflated
Future Perfect
I will have conflated We will have conflated
You will have conflated You will have conflated
He/She/It will have conflated They will have conflated

md5 hash от слова conflate: 326a548013784a3ee078bc5e1bde94c1



Добавить слово в закладки

После добавления слова conflate вы сможете приступить к его изучению методом интервальных повторений.

При добавлении вы можете выбрать, какую именно форму этого слова вы хотите изучить.

Все добавленные слова можно посмотреть в вашем личном кабинете.



Добавить пример предложения

Вы можете добавить пример со словом conflate и после проверки он будет опубликован.


Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову conflate. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

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