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Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и connect:
Кол-во употреблений connect на 1 миллион слов: 27.
Please connect me with Mr Smith.
Соедините меня с господином Смитом, пожалуйста.
Please connect a controller.
Пожалуйста, подключите контроллер.
I cannot connect my phone to the Internet.
Я не могу подключить мой телефон к Интернету.
I can't connect to the Internet.
Я не могу подключиться к Интернету.
Connect the two cables together.
Соедините вместе два кабеля.
I connect to the Internet almost every day.
Я выхожу в Интернет почти каждый день.
Their job is to connect the computers to the network.
Их работа — подключать компьютеры к сети.
She has asked the person at the front desk to connect her to that number.
Она попросила человека на ресепшене соединить её с тем номером.
Connect the microphone.
Подключи микрофон.
Will you please connect me with Tom?
Будьте добры, соедините меня с Томом.
Imogen of the Internet can connect to dial-up BBSes by whistling into a funnel attached to a phone line.
Имоджен из Интернета может подключаться к коммутируемым BBS, насвистывая в воронку, подключенную к телефонной линии.
I'd hoped the zine would connect all sort of people who understood how much cooler it was to thrift than to buy new junk.
Я надеялся, что зин объединит всех людей, которые понимают, насколько лучше экономить, чем покупать новый хлам.
If you're lucky, you'll be able to connect yourself to a relative who has put more effort into studying your family's genealogy than you ever could.
Если вам повезет, вы сможете связаться с родственником, который приложил больше усилий для изучения генеалогии вашей семьи, чем вы когда-либо могли.
Venules and arterioles are small diameter blood vessels that connect capillaries to veins and arteries.
Венулы и артериолы - это кровеносные сосуды малого диаметра, которые соединяют капилляры с венами и артериями.
Meditation exercises help me detach for a certain period of time from the material world and connect to the calm of the spiritual world.
Упражнения по медитации помогают мне на определенное время отвлечься от материального мира и соединиться со спокойствием духовного мира.
Present Simple | |
I connect | We connect |
You connect | You connect |
He/She/It connects | They connect |
Past Simple | |
I connected | We connected |
You connected | You connected |
He/She/It connected | They connected |
Future Simple | |
I will connect | We will connect |
You will connect | You will connect |
He/She/It will connect | They will connect |
Present Continuous | |
I am connecting | We are connecting |
You are connecting | You are connecting |
He/She/It is connecting | They are connecting |
Past Continuous | |
I was connecting | We were connecting |
You were connecting | You were connecting |
He/She/It was connecting | They were connecting |
Future Continuous | |
I will be connecting | We will be connecting |
You will be connecting | You will be connecting |
He/She/It will be connecting | They will be connecting |
Present Perfect | |
I have connected | We have connected |
You have connected | You have connected |
He/She/It has connected | They have connected |
Past Perfect | |
I had connected | We had connected |
You had connected | You had connected |
He/She/It had connected | They had connected |
Future Perfect | |
I will have connected | We will have connected |
You will have connected | You will have connected |
He/She/It will have connected | They will have connected |
Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову connect. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.