

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): decays.

Синонимы: attenuating, attenuation, breakup, bust, contraction, damping, decomposition, disintegration, disrepair, disruption, doting, downturn, droop, ebb, extinction.

  1. распад

    radioactive decay
    радиоактивный распад

    moral decay
    моральное разложение

  2. спад

    economic decay
    экономический спад

    fall into decay
    приходить в упадок

  3. гниение

    process of decay
    процесс гниения

  4. затухание

    decay time
    время затухания

  5. тлен
  6. ветхость

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): decayed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): decayed.

Синонимы: decompose, decrease, disintegrate, dissociate, dissolve, ebb, moulder, rot, subside, wane.

  1. распадаться
  2. гнить
  3. ветшать
  4. заглохнуть
  5. убывать

adjective прилагательное

  1. распадный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений decay на 1 миллион слов: 14.

Примеры предложений

Many local traditions have fallen into decay in recent years.
В последние годы многие местные традиции стали забываться.

Fruits decay in the sun.
Фрукты портятся на солнце.

The apple has begun to decay.
Яблоко начало портиться.

Actinium-227 is a decay product of uranium-235.
Актиний-227 — продукт распада урана-235.

Two great civilizations slowly fell into decay.
Две великих цивилизации медленно пришли в упадок.

Judging by the degree of decay of the remains, the horse was shot about a week ago.
Судя по степени разложения останков, коня пристрелили где-то неделю назад.

We have to pick those apples right now, otherwise they'll decay.
Эти яблоки придётся снять прямо сейчас, а то они сгниют.

What's the difference between fermentation and decay?
В чём разница между брожением и разложением?

Recently, a congress of spiritualists was held, at which, among other things, it was proved that atomic decay is a confirmation of spiritualism.
Недавно состоялся конгресс спиритов, на котором, между прочим, доказывалось, что разложение атома является подтверждением спиритизма.

Some soft drinks have very high sugar content and can cause obesity and tooth decay if consumed to excess.
Некоторые безалкогольные напитки отличаются крайне высоким содержанием сахара и при чрезмерном употреблении могут вызвать ожирение и кариес.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I decay We decay
You decay You decay
He/She/It decays They decay
Past Simple
I decayed We decayed
You decayed You decayed
He/She/It decayed They decayed
Future Simple
I will decay We will decay
You will decay You will decay
He/She/It will decay They will decay

Present Continuous
I am decaying We are decaying
You are decaying You are decaying
He/She/It is decaying They are decaying
Past Continuous
I was decaying We were decaying
You were decaying You were decaying
He/She/It was decaying They were decaying
Future Continuous
I will be decaying We will be decaying
You will be decaying You will be decaying
He/She/It will be decaying They will be decaying

Present Perfect
I have decayed We have decayed
You have decayed You have decayed
He/She/It has decayed They have decayed
Past Perfect
I had decayed We had decayed
You had decayed You had decayed
He/She/It had decayed They had decayed
Future Perfect
I will have decayed We will have decayed
You will have decayed You will have decayed
He/She/It will have decayed They will have decayed

md5 hash от слова decay: 63faabca234a29640f3344e74c0672da


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