

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): subsided.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): subsided.

Синонимы: ebb, wane, abate, decay, decrease, drop, fade, fall, impinge, plummet, precipitate, sag, settle, topple, tumble.

  1. утихать
  2. убывать
  3. оседать
  4. падать
  5. умолкать
  6. стихнуть
  7. схлынуть

Примеры предложений

Suffering on Earth will subside if we stop fostering it.
Страдания на Земле утихнут, если мы перестанем их поощрять.

The flood began to subside.
Наводнение начало спадать.

Weak foundations caused the house to subside.
Слабый фундамент привел к тому, что дом осел.

She waited nervously for his anger to subside.
Она нервно ждала, пока его гнев утихнет.

What can I say? Yesterday, I had to wait for the flash flood to subside. Thunder and lightnings caused voltage drop. And my broadband won't work.
Что я могу сказать? Вчера мне пришлось ждать, пока стихнет внезапный паводок. Гром и молнии вызвали падение напряжения. И мой широкополосный доступ не будет работать.

We need to ratchet up the pressure. We can't let it simply subside.
Нам нужно усилить давление. Мы не можем позволить этому просто утихнуть.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I subside We subside
You subside You subside
He/She/It subsides They subside
Past Simple
I subsided We subsided
You subsided You subsided
He/She/It subsided They subsided
Future Simple
I will subside We will subside
You will subside You will subside
He/She/It will subside They will subside

Present Continuous
I am subsiding We are subsiding
You are subsiding You are subsiding
He/She/It is subsiding They are subsiding
Past Continuous
I was subsiding We were subsiding
You were subsiding You were subsiding
He/She/It was subsiding They were subsiding
Future Continuous
I will be subsiding We will be subsiding
You will be subsiding You will be subsiding
He/She/It will be subsiding They will be subsiding

Present Perfect
I have subsided We have subsided
You have subsided You have subsided
He/She/It has subsided They have subsided
Past Perfect
I had subsided We had subsided
You had subsided You had subsided
He/She/It had subsided They had subsided
Future Perfect
I will have subsided We will have subsided
You will have subsided You will have subsided
He/She/It will have subsided They will have subsided

md5 hash от слова subside: 51ef1941e6f96831972faeee05d3d8f5


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