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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): ditches.

Синонимы: bandwidth, canal, channel, channeling, circuit, conduit, dike, duct, flume, flute, link, moat, passage, pipe, port.

  1. ров

    antitank ditch
    противотанковый ров

    drainage ditch
    дренажная канава

    deep ditch
    глубокий котлован

  2. кювет

    roadside ditch
    придорожный кювет

  3. канал
  4. арык
  5. канавка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): ditched.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): ditched.

Синонимы: abandon, chuck, dig, leave, ruin, shoot, wreck.

  1. окапывать
  2. бросить

    ditch the car
    бросить машину

  3. угробить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений ditch на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

I am afraid to jump over the ditch.
Мне страшно перепрыгивать через ров.

Jeff and Mia are making a last ditch effort to avoid a divorce.
Джефф и Мия прилагают последние усилия, чтобы избежать развода.

Why did you ditch me?
Почему ты меня бросила?

Tom jumped over the ditch.
Том перепрыгнул через канаву.

Tom discovered Mary's body in a ditch.
Том обнаружил тело Мэри в канаве.

He leaped over the shallow ditch.
Он перепрыгнул через неглубокую канаву.

I dare you to jump over this ditch.
Готов поспорить, что ты не перепрыгнешь через эту канаву.

He jumped over a ditch.
Он перепрыгнул через канаву.

Tom was so drunk that he spent the night in a ditch because he could not find his way home anymore.
Том был настолько пьян, что провёл ночь в канаве, так как не смог более найти дорогу домой.

Let's ditch these people and go home.
Давайте отделаемся от этой публики и пойдём домой.

There is a ditch on each side of the road.
По обеим сторонам дороги идут канавы.

He fell into the ditch.
Он упал в канаву.

Let's ditch Tom.
Давайте кинем Тома.

Tom fell into the ditch.
Том упал в канаву.

Fill up the ditch.
Засыпьте эту канаву.

I hope you fall in a ditch.
Надеюсь, ты свалишься в ров.

I can't jump over that ditch.
Я не могу перепрыгнуть через ту канаву.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I ditch We ditch
You ditch You ditch
He/She/It ditches They ditch
Past Simple
I ditched We ditched
You ditched You ditched
He/She/It ditched They ditched
Future Simple
I will ditch We will ditch
You will ditch You will ditch
He/She/It will ditch They will ditch

Present Continuous
I am ditching We are ditching
You are ditching You are ditching
He/She/It is ditching They are ditching
Past Continuous
I was ditching We were ditching
You were ditching You were ditching
He/She/It was ditching They were ditching
Future Continuous
I will be ditching We will be ditching
You will be ditching You will be ditching
He/She/It will be ditching They will be ditching

Present Perfect
I have ditched We have ditched
You have ditched You have ditched
He/She/It has ditched They have ditched
Past Perfect
I had ditched We had ditched
You had ditched You had ditched
He/She/It had ditched They had ditched
Future Perfect
I will have ditched We will have ditched
You will have ditched You will have ditched
He/She/It will have ditched They will have ditched

md5 hash от слова ditch: 94e4181f2f9f96c2d63e9ef2166b7182



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