

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): drapes.

Синонимы: curtain, drapery, draping, fabrics, hanging, napkin, wipe.

  1. драпировка

    heavy drapes
    тяжелые драпировки

    velvet drapes
    бархатные портьеры

  2. салфетка
  3. драп

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): draped.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): draped.

Синонимы: engulf.

  1. драпировать
  2. задрапировывать
  3. накрыть


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и drape: pared, raped.

Примеры предложений

You can always drape your jacket over your chair if you need a place to put it.
Ты всегда можешь повесить пиджак на стул, если тебе нужно его куда-то пристроить.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I drape We drape
You drape You drape
He/She/It drapes They drape
Past Simple
I draped We draped
You draped You draped
He/She/It draped They draped
Future Simple
I will drape We will drape
You will drape You will drape
He/She/It will drape They will drape

Present Continuous
I am draping We are draping
You are draping You are draping
He/She/It is draping They are draping
Past Continuous
I was draping We were draping
You were draping You were draping
He/She/It was draping They were draping
Future Continuous
I will be draping We will be draping
You will be draping You will be draping
He/She/It will be draping They will be draping

Present Perfect
I have draped We have draped
You have draped You have draped
He/She/It has draped They have draped
Past Perfect
I had draped We had draped
You had draped You had draped
He/She/It had draped They had draped
Future Perfect
I will have draped We will have draped
You will have draped You will have draped
He/She/It will have draped They will have draped

md5 hash от слова drape: 8a5e2f2977246f6ca3db2a3e08eabeb5



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