

verb глагол

Синонимы: mute.

  1. онеметь

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): dumber.

Синонимы: backwater, backwoods, blank, blind, blunt, bovine, brutish, crass, dead, deaf, desolate, dull, hollow, impervious, indistinct.

  1. тупой
  2. немой

    dumb animal
    бессловесное животное

  3. глухой

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений dumb на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

A lot of my classmates think that I'm dumb.
Многие мои одноклассники считают меня глупым.

Well, why dost thou say nothing, but stand there as if thou wast dumb?
Ну и что ты ничего не говоришь и лишь стоишь тут как немая?

He's a dumb as a rock.
Он тупой как сибирский валенок.

That big busted blonde is as dumb as a rock.
Эта крупная грудастая блондинка глупа как пробка.

There are dumb people like Dan everywhere.
Такие глупые люди, как Дан, есть везде.

Racists are dumb people.
Расисты - глупые люди.

The dumb masses believe that Mandela was a decent man.
Безмозглые массы верят, что Мандела был приличным человеком.

She has been dumb since birth.
Она немая с рождения.

Smart people can pretend to be dumb. The opposite is more difficult.
Умные могут притворяться тупыми. Обратное сложнее.

We're not as dumb as you think.
Мы не такие дураки, как ты думаешь.

I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.
Я такой глупый... Я пытаюсь тебе объяснить то, что сам не понимаю.

He's as dumb as a rock.
Он тупой как сибирский валенок.

That was a dumb decision.
Это было глупое решение.

She was blind, deaf, and dumb.
Она была слепа, глуха и нема.

Dude, you're so dumb when it comes to women...
Чувак, ты так тормозишь, когда дело касается женщин...

Despite everything he is still playing dumb.
Несмотря ни на что, он до сих пор прикидывается дураком.

She's a dumb blonde.
Она глупая блондинка.

Don't play dumb with me.
Не прикидывайся мне тут дурачком.

He's not dumb.
Он не немой.

I played dumb.
Я валял дурака.

Don't play dumb.
Вы ваньку-то не валяйте.

Why are men so dumb?
Почему мужчины такие тупые?

Don't play dumb!
Не валяй дурака!

I'm not dumb.
Я не немой.

It's no use playing dumb.
Нечего ваньку валять.

I'm not that dumb.
Я не такой тупой.

Blondes aren't dumb.
Блондинки не тупые.

In other words, she's dumb.
Иными словами, она тупая.

The people there are not so dumb.
Люди там не такие тупые.

Seriously, people are so dumb.
Серьёзно, люди такие тупые.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I dumb We dumb
You dumb You dumb
He/She/It dumbs They dumb
Past Simple
I dumbed We dumbed
You dumbed You dumbed
He/She/It dumbed They dumbed
Future Simple
I will dumb We will dumb
You will dumb You will dumb
He/She/It will dumb They will dumb

Present Continuous
I am dumbing We are dumbing
You are dumbing You are dumbing
He/She/It is dumbing They are dumbing
Past Continuous
I was dumbing We were dumbing
You were dumbing You were dumbing
He/She/It was dumbing They were dumbing
Future Continuous
I will be dumbing We will be dumbing
You will be dumbing You will be dumbing
He/She/It will be dumbing They will be dumbing

Present Perfect
I have dumbed We have dumbed
You have dumbed You have dumbed
He/She/It has dumbed They have dumbed
Past Perfect
I had dumbed We had dumbed
You had dumbed You had dumbed
He/She/It had dumbed They had dumbed
Future Perfect
I will have dumbed We will have dumbed
You will have dumbed You will have dumbed
He/She/It will have dumbed They will have dumbed

md5 hash от слова dumb: 665c403aa19fe701b0ea7093ea4d0f45



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