

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): hollows.

Синонимы: cavity, concave, dent, excavation, groove, indentation, recess, trench, cavern, deep, deepening, deeping, depression, dimple, emptiness.

  1. впадина

    deep hollow
    глубокая впадина

    legend of sleepy hollow
    легенда сонной лощины

    hollow interior
    внутренняя полость

  2. пустота
  3. углубление

    little hollows
    небольшие углубления

  4. выемка
  5. низина
  6. дупло
  7. выбоина
  8. пустой звук

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): hollowed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): hollowed.

Синонимы: batter, cave, chisel, gouge, mortise, peck.

  1. выдалбливать
  2. долбить

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: blank, backwater, backwoods, bare, barren, blind, concave, dead, deaf, deserted, desolate, devoid, dumb, dummy, empty.

  1. полый

    hollow shaft
    полый вал

    hollow tree trunk
    полый ствол дерева

    hollow brick
    пустотелый кирпич

  2. пустой

    hollow promise
    пустое обещание

  3. глухой

    hollow voice
    глухой голос

  4. впалый
  5. дуплистый
  6. пустой внутри

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений hollow на 1 миллион слов: 12.

Примеры предложений

My life is hollow without him.
Без него моя жизнь пуста.

The fox hid in the hollow tree.
Лиса спряталась в дуплистом дереве.

Without honor, victory is hollow.
Без чести победа напрасна.

Goats have two hollow horns.
У коз два полых рога.

A man without ideals is hollow.
Человек без идеалов - пустой.

There's someone in the hollow of this tree.
В этом дупле кто-то есть.

There's something in the hollow of this tree.
В этом дупле кто-то есть.

His words were hollow.
Его слова были пустыми.

When a book and a head collide and a hollow sound is heard, must it always have come from the book?
Если происходит столкновение между книгой и головой, сопровождаемое звуком пустотности - всегда ли подобный звук исходит от книги?

Is the beam solid or hollow?
Эта балка сплошная или полая?

They're hollow.
Они пустые.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hollow We hollow
You hollow You hollow
He/She/It hollows They hollow
Past Simple
I hollowed We hollowed
You hollowed You hollowed
He/She/It hollowed They hollowed
Future Simple
I will hollow We will hollow
You will hollow You will hollow
He/She/It will hollow They will hollow

Present Continuous
I am hollowing We are hollowing
You are hollowing You are hollowing
He/She/It is hollowing They are hollowing
Past Continuous
I was hollowing We were hollowing
You were hollowing You were hollowing
He/She/It was hollowing They were hollowing
Future Continuous
I will be hollowing We will be hollowing
You will be hollowing You will be hollowing
He/She/It will be hollowing They will be hollowing

Present Perfect
I have hollowed We have hollowed
You have hollowed You have hollowed
He/She/It has hollowed They have hollowed
Past Perfect
I had hollowed We had hollowed
You had hollowed You had hollowed
He/She/It had hollowed They had hollowed
Future Perfect
I will have hollowed We will have hollowed
You will have hollowed You will have hollowed
He/She/It will have hollowed They will have hollowed

md5 hash от слова hollow: ff362afb00fa83da92fd95b38424a556



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