

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): dwelt.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): dwelt.

Синонимы: brood, contemplate, detain, haunt, inhabit, linger, muse, ponder, reflect, reside, stay.

  1. обитать

    dwell therein
    обитать там

    dwell in peace
    пребывать в мире

  2. задерживаться
  3. размышлять

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений dwell на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Don't dwell on your past mistakes!
Не зацикливайся на своих прошлых ошибках.

Don't dwell on your past failures.
Не зацикливайся на своих прошлых ошибках.

No time to dwell on this, let's get to the next sentence.
Нет времени останавливаться на этом, давай к следующему предложению.

You dwell too much on the little details.
Ты слишком много зацикливаешься на мелких деталях.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, the past is no more. The future has not yet come. Life is here and now.
Не живи прошлым, не грезь о будущем. Прошлое больше не существует, будущее ещё не наступило. Жизнь - она здесь и сейчас.

Lions dwell in Africa.
Львы обитают в Африке.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I dwell We dwell
You dwell You dwell
He/She/It dwells They dwell
Past Simple
I dwelled We dwelled
You dwelled You dwelled
He/She/It dwelled They dwelled
Future Simple
I will dwell We will dwell
You will dwell You will dwell
He/She/It will dwell They will dwell

Present Continuous
I am dwelling We are dwelling
You are dwelling You are dwelling
He/She/It is dwelling They are dwelling
Past Continuous
I was dwelling We were dwelling
You were dwelling You were dwelling
He/She/It was dwelling They were dwelling
Future Continuous
I will be dwelling We will be dwelling
You will be dwelling You will be dwelling
He/She/It will be dwelling They will be dwelling

Present Perfect
I have dwelled We have dwelled
You have dwelled You have dwelled
He/She/It has dwelled They have dwelled
Past Perfect
I had dwelled We had dwelled
You had dwelled You had dwelled
He/She/It had dwelled They had dwelled
Future Perfect
I will have dwelled We will have dwelled
You will have dwelled You will have dwelled
He/She/It will have dwelled They will have dwelled

md5 hash от слова dwell: 7a23a33f23093c61d7e749b7e792833b



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