

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): lingered.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): lingered.

Синонимы: continue, dally, detain, draw, dwell, extort, heave, leave, pull, remain, stall, stay, weigh.

  1. задерживаться

    linger longer
    задержаться дольше

  2. оставаться
  3. засиживаться
  4. тянуть

Примеры предложений

I think I'll just linger awhile.
Я думаю, что просто немного задержусь.

Make haste, and go ye up to my father, and say to him: Thus saith thy son Joseph: God hath made me lord of the whole land of Egypt; come down to me, linger not.
Поспешите, и идите к моему отцу, и скажите ему: так говорит сын твой Иосиф: Бог сделал меня господином всей земли Египетской; сойди ко мне, не медли.

Fadil didn't linger in the area.
Фадиль не стал задерживаться в этом районе.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I linger We linger
You linger You linger
He/She/It lingers They linger
Past Simple
I lingered We lingered
You lingered You lingered
He/She/It lingered They lingered
Future Simple
I will linger We will linger
You will linger You will linger
He/She/It will linger They will linger

Present Continuous
I am lingering We are lingering
You are lingering You are lingering
He/She/It is lingering They are lingering
Past Continuous
I was lingering We were lingering
You were lingering You were lingering
He/She/It was lingering They were lingering
Future Continuous
I will be lingering We will be lingering
You will be lingering You will be lingering
He/She/It will be lingering They will be lingering

Present Perfect
I have lingered We have lingered
You have lingered You have lingered
He/She/It has lingered They have lingered
Past Perfect
I had lingered We had lingered
You had lingered You had lingered
He/She/It had lingered They had lingered
Future Perfect
I will have lingered We will have lingered
You will have lingered You will have lingered
He/She/It will have lingered They will have lingered

md5 hash от слова linger: fa1711bb276806d1f1808dbb0e31018a


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