

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): facets.

Синонимы: bezel, angle, aspect, cell, consideration, diamond-cut, dimension, face, perspective, veneer, verge.

  1. грань

    multiple facets
    многочисленные грани

    facet of life
    сторона жизни

  2. аспект

    various facets
    различные аспекты

  3. фасетка
  4. фаска
  5. фасет
  6. огранка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): faceted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): faceted.
  1. гранить
  2. огранять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: faceted.

  1. фасеточный

    faceted eye
    фасеточный глаз

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений facet на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

A facet of genius is the ability to provoke scandals.
Одной из особенностей гения является способность вызывать скандал.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I facet We facet
You facet You facet
He/She/It facets They facet
Past Simple
I faceted We faceted
You faceted You faceted
He/She/It faceted They faceted
Future Simple
I will facet We will facet
You will facet You will facet
He/She/It will facet They will facet

Present Continuous
I am faceting We are faceting
You are faceting You are faceting
He/She/It is faceting They are faceting
Past Continuous
I was faceting We were faceting
You were faceting You were faceting
He/She/It was faceting They were faceting
Future Continuous
I will be faceting We will be faceting
You will be faceting You will be faceting
He/She/It will be faceting They will be faceting

Present Perfect
I have faceted We have faceted
You have faceted You have faceted
He/She/It has faceted They have faceted
Past Perfect
I had faceted We had faceted
You had faceted You had faceted
He/She/It had faceted They had faceted
Future Perfect
I will have faceted We will have faceted
You will have faceted You will have faceted
He/She/It will have faceted They will have faceted

md5 hash от слова facet: 1e994904b1911d7985ebfb79e1927d34



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