

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): verges.

Синонимы: bezel, brim, brink, corner, curb, edge, extremity, face, facet, fringe, hem, kerb, kraj, ledge, margin.

  1. край
  2. грань

    verge of extinction
    грань вымирания

  3. обочина

    road verges
    обочины дорог

verb глагол

Синонимы: border.

  1. граничить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений verge на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Она на грани нервного срыва.

Tom was on the verge of tears.
Том едва сдерживал слёзы.

The company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Предприятие на грани банкротства.

The house was on the verge of collapse.
Дом был на грани обрушения.

The poor cat was on the verge of starvation.
Бедный кот был на пороге голодной смерти.

The poor child was on the verge of starvation.
Бедный ребёнок был на пороге голодной смерти.

Some wild animals are on the verge of extinction.
Некоторые дикие животные находятся на грани исчезновения.

These animals are on the verge of extinction.
Эти животные находятся на грани вымирания.

She was on the verge of tears.
Она едва сдерживала слёзы.

I was on the verge of tears.
Я была готова расплакаться.

We're on the verge of another catastrophe.
Мы стоим на пороге новой катастрофы.

The world is on the verge of destruction.
Мир находится на грани уничтожения.

He was on the verge of revealing the secret when a sharp look from Martha shut him up.
Он был на грани того, чтобы раскрыть тайну, когда острый взгляд Марты заставил его замолчать.

The children were on the verge of crying.
Дети были готовы заплакать.

Tom is on the verge of dying.
Том находится на грани смерти.

He was just on the verge of going to sleep.
Он был на грани сна.

Tom is on the verge of tears.
Том едва сдерживает слёзы.

Tom was on the verge of crying.
Том был готов расплакаться.

She was on verge of fainting.
Она была на грани обморока.

She was on the verge of crying.
Она была готова расплакаться.

My father's company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Компания моего отца находится на грани банкротства.

Tom was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Том был на грани нервного срыва.

Tom is on the verge of crying.
Том вот-вот заплачет.

That last lecture was so boring. I was on the verge of falling asleep through most of it.
Эта последняя лекция была скучнейшей. По её ходу я чуть ли не засыпал.

She was on the verge of killing herself.
Она была на грани самоубийства.

We are on the verge of great things.
Мы стоим на пороге великих свершений.

I was on verge of fainting.
Я был на грани обморока.

Tom was on verge of fainting.
Том был на грани обморока.

I was on the verge of killing myself at that time.
Я тогда был на грани самоубийства.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I verge We verge
You verge You verge
He/She/It verges They verge
Past Simple
I verged We verged
You verged You verged
He/She/It verged They verged
Future Simple
I will verge We will verge
You will verge You will verge
He/She/It will verge They will verge

Present Continuous
I am verging We are verging
You are verging You are verging
He/She/It is verging They are verging
Past Continuous
I was verging We were verging
You were verging You were verging
He/She/It was verging They were verging
Future Continuous
I will be verging We will be verging
You will be verging You will be verging
He/She/It will be verging They will be verging

Present Perfect
I have verged We have verged
You have verged You have verged
He/She/It has verged They have verged
Past Perfect
I had verged We had verged
You had verged You had verged
He/She/It had verged They had verged
Future Perfect
I will have verged We will have verged
You will have verged You will have verged
He/She/It will have verged They will have verged

md5 hash от слова verge: afe76348b19a69a5b4beb8641095dd16


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