

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): feuds.

Синонимы: altercation, animosity, antagonizing, argument, contention, disagreement, dispute, enmity, falling-out, feuding, fief, fuss, quarrel, quarrelling, rivalry.

  1. вражда

    family feud
    семейная вражда

    old feuds
    старые распри

  2. феод
  3. ссора
  4. непримиримая вражда

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): feuded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): feuded.

Синонимы: oppose.

  1. враждовать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений feud на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

The feud is over.
Вражда окончена.

Our feud traces back to our childhood.
Наша вражда уходит корнями в детство.

The feud continues.
Вражда продолжается.

Romeo and Juliet's wedding put an end to the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.
Свадьба Ромео и Джульетты положила конец вражде между Монтекки и Капулетти.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I feud We feud
You feud You feud
He/She/It feuds They feud
Past Simple
I feuded We feuded
You feuded You feuded
He/She/It feuded They feuded
Future Simple
I will feud We will feud
You will feud You will feud
He/She/It will feud They will feud

Present Continuous
I am feuding We are feuding
You are feuding You are feuding
He/She/It is feuding They are feuding
Past Continuous
I was feuding We were feuding
You were feuding You were feuding
He/She/It was feuding They were feuding
Future Continuous
I will be feuding We will be feuding
You will be feuding You will be feuding
He/She/It will be feuding They will be feuding

Present Perfect
I have feuded We have feuded
You have feuded You have feuded
He/She/It has feuded They have feuded
Past Perfect
I had feuded We had feuded
You had feuded You had feuded
He/She/It had feuded They had feuded
Future Perfect
I will have feuded We will have feuded
You will have feuded You will have feuded
He/She/It will have feuded They will have feuded

md5 hash от слова feud: 2e90910c6eb4b0805c35af162f34718a



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