

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): quarrels.

Синонимы: altercation, argument, contention, disagreement, dispute, strife, bickering, contest, controversy, debate, dissension, falling-out, feud, fuss, litigation.

  1. ссора

    family quarrel
    семейная ссора

    internal quarrels
    внутренние раздоры

  2. спор
  3. свара

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): quarreled, quarrelled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): quarreled, quarrelled.

Синонимы: argue, bicker, brawl, debate, dispute, fight, fuss, spar, strive, wager.

  1. ссориться
  2. спорить
  3. поссорить
  4. перессориться
  5. браниться
  6. переругиваться
  7. затевать ссору

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений quarrel на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

I had a quarrel with him over money.
Мы поссорились с ним из-за денег.

Don't quarrel over trifles.
Не надо ссориться по пустякам.

I know better than to quarrel with her about trifles.
Я не такой дурак, чтобы ссориться с ней по пустякам.

I don't want to quarrel with you.
Я не хочу с тобой ссориться.

A quarrel arose about what to do with the land.
Возникла ссора относительно того, что делать с землей.

The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two countries.
Конфликт возник из-за соперничества между двумя странами.

Don't let a little quarrel come between us.
Не дай небольшой ссоре встрять между нами.

The quarrel had unfortunate consequences.
Ссора обернулась плачевными последствиями.

What did Tom and Mary quarrel about?
Из-за чего Том с Мэри поссорились?

Some people quarrel for no reason at all.
Некоторые люди ссорятся вообще без причины.

We quarrel a lot, but we always manage to patch things up.
Мы много ссоримся, но нам всегда удаётся всё уладить.

Are you trying to pick a quarrel with me?
Вы что, хотите со мной поссориться?

I constantly quarrel with my wife.
Я постоянно ссорюсь с женой.

I tried to stop their quarrel eagerly.
Я изо всех сил старалась прекратить их ссору.

Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.
Не спорь с тем, кто тебя обеспечивает.

Adolescents often quarrel with their parents.
Подростки часто ссорятся со своими родителями.

There is no telling how long their quarrel will last.
Трудно сказать, как долго продлится их ссора.

Their quarrel sprung from misunderstanding.
Их ссора вспыхнула из-за недоразумения.

Her mediation put an end to our quarrel.
Её посредничество положило конец нашим раздорам.

That quarrel distanced him from his father.
Эта ссора отдалила его от отца.

She had no intention to quarrel with him.
Она не собиралась ссориться с ним.

I had a quarrel with my sister.
Я поссорилась с сестрой.

I have no quarrel with Tom.
Я с Томом не в ссоре.

Let's not quarrel about this.
Давайте не будем спорить об этом.

Ken always stands up for his mom when his parents quarrel.
Кен всегда заступается за мать, когда родители ссорятся.

Many couples quarrel over meaningless matters.
Много пар ссорятся по пустякам.

Tom and Mary quarrel almost every day.
Том и Мэри ссорятся почти каждый день.

Whenever they meet, they quarrel.
Где бы они ни встретились, у них начиналась ссора.

It takes two to make a quarrel.
Для ссоры нужны двое.

We didn't quarrel.
Мы не ссорились.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I quarrel We quarrel
You quarrel You quarrel
He/She/It quarrels They quarrel
Past Simple
I quarreled We quarreled
You quarreled You quarreled
He/She/It quarreled They quarreled
Future Simple
I will quarrel We will quarrel
You will quarrel You will quarrel
He/She/It will quarrel They will quarrel

Present Continuous
I am quarreling We are quarreling
You are quarreling You are quarreling
He/She/It is quarreling They are quarreling
Past Continuous
I was quarreling We were quarreling
You were quarreling You were quarreling
He/She/It was quarreling They were quarreling
Future Continuous
I will be quarreling We will be quarreling
You will be quarreling You will be quarreling
He/She/It will be quarreling They will be quarreling

Present Perfect
I have quarreled We have quarreled
You have quarreled You have quarreled
He/She/It has quarreled They have quarreled
Past Perfect
I had quarreled We had quarreled
You had quarreled You had quarreled
He/She/It had quarreled They had quarreled
Future Perfect
I will have quarreled We will have quarreled
You will have quarreled You will have quarreled
He/She/It will have quarreled They will have quarreled

md5 hash от слова quarrel: 5392d2b5efb162f5141b3b9b9ae12f14



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