

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): frosts.

Синонимы: freeze, freezing, frosting, glaze, hoar, rime.

  1. мороз

    father frost
    дед мороз

    killing frost
    убийственный холод

    light frost
    легкий морозец

  2. иней

    white frost
    белый иней

  3. заморозки
  4. замерзание
  5. мерзлота
  6. гололед

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): frosted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): frosted.

Синонимы: freeze, mat.

  1. замораживать
  2. матировать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: crisp, frosty.

  1. морозный

participle причастие

Синонимы: mat.

  1. матированный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и frost: forts.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений frost на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

Orange trees are sensitive to frost.
Апельсиновые деревья чувствительны к холоду.

Grandpa Frost has good eyesight while Santa Claus wears eyeglasses.
У Деда Мороза хорошее зрение, а Санта-Клаус носит очки.

A heavy frost is expected tonight.
Вечером ожидаются сильные заморозки.

A heavy frost is expected.
Ожидается сильный мороз.

Frost is a layer of ice crystals.
Иней — это слой кристаллов льда.

There is frost on the grass.
На траве изморозь.

The frost killed all the flowers.
Заморозки погубили все цветы.

Frost is frozen dew.
Иней — это замёрзшая роса.

The flowers perished from the frost.
Цветы погибли от мороза.

The frost will ruin the crop.
Эти морозы погубят урожай.

The vegetable garden looked bedraggled after being hit by an early frost.
Ударили ранние морозы, и огород с овощами выглядел потрепанно.

The frost did a lot of damage to the crops.
Заморозок сильно повредил посевы.

The frost was such that the birds fell on the fly.
Мороз стоял такой, что птицы на лету падали.

The plants suffered damage from the frost.
Растения были повреждены морозом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I frost We frost
You frost You frost
He/She/It frosts They frost
Past Simple
I frosted We frosted
You frosted You frosted
He/She/It frosted They frosted
Future Simple
I will frost We will frost
You will frost You will frost
He/She/It will frost They will frost

Present Continuous
I am frosting We are frosting
You are frosting You are frosting
He/She/It is frosting They are frosting
Past Continuous
I was frosting We were frosting
You were frosting You were frosting
He/She/It was frosting They were frosting
Future Continuous
I will be frosting We will be frosting
You will be frosting You will be frosting
He/She/It will be frosting They will be frosting

Present Perfect
I have frosted We have frosted
You have frosted You have frosted
He/She/It has frosted They have frosted
Past Perfect
I had frosted We had frosted
You had frosted You had frosted
He/She/It had frosted They had frosted
Future Perfect
I will have frosted We will have frosted
You will have frosted You will have frosted
He/She/It will have frosted They will have frosted

md5 hash от слова frost: 2b82477bcccc369d9d8ed30bb1200803


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