

noun существительное

Синонимы: darkness, melancholy.

  1. мрак

    dense gloom
    густой мрак

    purple gloom
    фиолетовый сумрак

  2. уныние

    deep gloom
    глубокое уныние

  3. подавленное настроение
  4. сумрачность
  5. морок

verb глагол

Синонимы: blight, cloud, darken, shadow, spoil.

  1. омрачать

participle причастие

  1. хмурый

Примеры предложений

Those gloom and doom economists aren't worth their salt.
Эти мрачные и обреченные экономисты не стоят своей соли.

From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watches them play and forgets the priest.
Из торжественного мрака храма выбегают дети, чтобы посидеть в пыли, Бог смотрит, как они играют, и забывает священника.

When you were a child you feared the gloom.
Когда ты был ребенком, ты боялся мрака.

I hoped you could hurl some lumens into the gloom.
Я надеялся, что ты сможешь бросить несколько люменов во мрак.

She spake, and vanished in the gloom of night.
Она заговорила и исчезла во мраке ночи.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
Ни снег, ни дождь, ни жара, ни мрак ночи не удерживают этих курьеров от быстрого завершения назначенных им обходов.

The Crayon Etching technique is like revealing a rainbow from gloom.
Техника гравировки карандашом подобна раскрытию радуги из мрака.

Intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated the dark gloom of the forest.
Прерывистые вспышки молний освещали темный мрак леса.

The recent sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville has cast a gloom over the county.
Недавняя внезапная смерть сэра Чарльза Баскервиля погрузила графство в уныние.

Three days, made doubtful by the blinding gloom, / as many nights, when not a star is seen, / we wander on, uncertain of our doom.
Три дня, омраченные слепящим мраком, / столько же ночей, когда не видно ни одной звезды, / мы блуждаем, неуверенные в своей судьбе.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I gloom We gloom
You gloom You gloom
He/She/It glooms They gloom
Past Simple
I gloomed We gloomed
You gloomed You gloomed
He/She/It gloomed They gloomed
Future Simple
I will gloom We will gloom
You will gloom You will gloom
He/She/It will gloom They will gloom

Present Continuous
I am glooming We are glooming
You are glooming You are glooming
He/She/It is glooming They are glooming
Past Continuous
I was glooming We were glooming
You were glooming You were glooming
He/She/It was glooming They were glooming
Future Continuous
I will be glooming We will be glooming
You will be glooming You will be glooming
He/She/It will be glooming They will be glooming

Present Perfect
I have gloomed We have gloomed
You have gloomed You have gloomed
He/She/It has gloomed They have gloomed
Past Perfect
I had gloomed We had gloomed
You had gloomed You had gloomed
He/She/It had gloomed They had gloomed
Future Perfect
I will have gloomed We will have gloomed
You will have gloomed You will have gloomed
He/She/It will have gloomed They will have gloomed

md5 hash от слова gloom: 9de1485387d904b3b2f045b4bbe5cb28


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