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Добавляйте слова в закладки и запоминайте их методом интервальных повторений!


verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): included.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): included.

Синонимы: embrace, enclose, incorporate, accommodate, account, actuate, allow, amount, be, carry, cater, clinch, comprehend, comprise, conclude.

  1. включать

    also include
    также включать

    include air conditioning
    включать кондиционер

    include a provision
    включить положение

  2. заключать
  3. содержать

    include spaces
    содержать пробелы

  4. быть
  5. охватывать
  6. отнести
  7. учитывать
  8. насчитывать
  9. засчитать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и include: nuclide.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений include на 1 миллион слов: 403.

Примеры предложений

Rare gems include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz and ruby.
Редкие драгоценные камни включают в себя аквамарин, аметист, изумруд, кварц и рубин.

Don't include multiple alternative words inside the same sentence.
Не включайте множество альтернативных слов внутри одного предложения.

Short-term effects of smoking include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness, bad breath, bad skin and so on.
Краткосрочными эффектами курения являются потеря формы, хрип, общая подверженность заболеваниям, запах изо рта, ухудшение кожи и тому подобное.

Does the price include breakfast?
Стоимость включает в себя завтрак?

I was planning to include an excerpt from The Chronicles of Narnia.
Я собирался добавить отрывок из «Хроник Нарнии».

Does that price include breakfast?
Цена включает в себя завтрак?

Should I include Tom?
Тома тоже считать?

Don't forget to include me in the count.
Не забудьте посчитать меня.

Most gulls include crabs and small fish in their diet.
Большинство чаек включают в свой рацион крабов и небольших рыб.

Should I include him?
Я должен включить его?

What does breakfast include?
Что включает завтрак?

For some reason, they didn't include my name on the list.
По какой-то причине они не включили моё имя в список.

The outer planets are large gaseous spheres with rings and include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Внешние планеты — это большие газовые сферы, имеющие кольца. В их число входят Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун.

Don't include annotations as part of sentences.
Не включайте в свои предложения аннотации.

Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese?
Почему в списке языков нет мальтийского?

Does that price include VAT?
Это цена с учётом НДС?

Does the price include VAT?
Это цена с учётом НДС?

Tom's duties include raking the leaves.
В обязанности Тома входит сгребать листья.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I include We include
You include You include
He/She/It includes They include
Past Simple
I included We included
You included You included
He/She/It included They included
Future Simple
I will include We will include
You will include You will include
He/She/It will include They will include

Present Continuous
I am including We are including
You are including You are including
He/She/It is including They are including
Past Continuous
I was including We were including
You were including You were including
He/She/It was including They were including
Future Continuous
I will be including We will be including
You will be including You will be including
He/She/It will be including They will be including

Present Perfect
I have included We have included
You have included You have included
He/She/It has included They have included
Past Perfect
I had included We had included
You had included You had included
He/She/It had included They had included
Future Perfect
I will have included We will have included
You will have included You will have included
He/She/It will have included They will have included

md5 hash от слова include: d436eb0fd9de10b54a828ce6435f7e81



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При добавлении вы можете выбрать, какую именно форму этого слова вы хотите изучить.

Все добавленные слова можно посмотреть в вашем личном кабинете.



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Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову include. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

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