

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): inspected.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): inspected.

Синонимы: examine, audit, check, look, revise, scan, spy, validate, vet, view, visit.

  1. осматривать

    inspect the car
    осматривать машину

    inspect the house
    обследовать дом

    inspect the building
    осмотреть здание

  2. проверять

    inspect the goods
    проверять товар

    inspect the cargo
    проверить груз

  3. посмотреть
  4. проинспектировать
  5. досмотреть
  6. оглядеть
  7. внимательно осматривать
  8. проводить проверку
  9. проводить инспекцию
  10. ревизовать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений inspect на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Hey! There's an American who speaks Uyghur here! Hurry up and get over here to inspect his computer!
Эй! Тут у нас американец, который говорит на уйгурском! Давайте скорее сюда, осмотрите его компьютер!

Visually inspect and carefully check the product and packaging before use.
Осмотрите и внимательно проверьте изделие и упаковку перед применением.

I would like to inspect your work for myself – not that I doubt your skill, or anything like that. It's just that, as director, I have to keep track of these things, you know.
Я бы хотел лично осмотреть вашу работу – не то чтобы я сомневался в ваших умениях или ещё что. Просто, как директору, мне нужно следить за такими делами, понимаете.

If you don't mind, may we inspect your suitcase?
Если не возражаете, можно мы проверим ваш чемодан?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I inspect We inspect
You inspect You inspect
He/She/It inspects They inspect
Past Simple
I inspected We inspected
You inspected You inspected
He/She/It inspected They inspected
Future Simple
I will inspect We will inspect
You will inspect You will inspect
He/She/It will inspect They will inspect

Present Continuous
I am inspecting We are inspecting
You are inspecting You are inspecting
He/She/It is inspecting They are inspecting
Past Continuous
I was inspecting We were inspecting
You were inspecting You were inspecting
He/She/It was inspecting They were inspecting
Future Continuous
I will be inspecting We will be inspecting
You will be inspecting You will be inspecting
He/She/It will be inspecting They will be inspecting

Present Perfect
I have inspected We have inspected
You have inspected You have inspected
He/She/It has inspected They have inspected
Past Perfect
I had inspected We had inspected
You had inspected You had inspected
He/She/It had inspected They had inspected
Future Perfect
I will have inspected We will have inspected
You will have inspected You will have inspected
He/She/It will have inspected They will have inspected

md5 hash от слова inspect: 9350cbb84e8ab827898a783d8f724951


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