

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): instilled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): instilled.

Синонимы: engrain, implant, inculcate, apply, breed, cultivate, deploy, embed, graft, introduce, intrude, teach.

  1. прививать

    instill fear
    внушать страх

  2. воспитать
  3. накапать
  4. внедрять
  5. насаждать
  6. исподволь внушать

Примеры предложений

We must instill patriotism into the young people of today.
Мы должны прививать патриотизм сегодняшней молодёжи.

The best way to instill an idea in other people is to make them believe that it comes from themselves.
Самый лучший способ внушить другим людям какую-либо идею - это заставить их поверить, что она исходит от них самих.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I instill We instill
You instill You instill
He/She/It instills They instill
Past Simple
I instilled We instilled
You instilled You instilled
He/She/It instilled They instilled
Future Simple
I will instill We will instill
You will instill You will instill
He/She/It will instill They will instill

Present Continuous
I am instilling We are instilling
You are instilling You are instilling
He/She/It is instilling They are instilling
Past Continuous
I was instilling We were instilling
You were instilling You were instilling
He/She/It was instilling They were instilling
Future Continuous
I will be instilling We will be instilling
You will be instilling You will be instilling
He/She/It will be instilling They will be instilling

Present Perfect
I have instilled We have instilled
You have instilled You have instilled
He/She/It has instilled They have instilled
Past Perfect
I had instilled We had instilled
You had instilled You had instilled
He/She/It had instilled They had instilled
Future Perfect
I will have instilled We will have instilled
You will have instilled You will have instilled
He/She/It will have instilled They will have instilled

md5 hash от слова instill: 217dc9460200f9f034fdca0f796165d5


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