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Добавляйте слова в закладки и запоминайте их методом интервальных повторений!


noun существительное

множественное число (plural): intercepts.

Синонимы: interception, catch, confluence, cross, crossing, crossover, crossroad, intercepting, interdict, interdiction, intersecting, intersection, overlap, pickup, traverse.

  1. перехват

    probability of intercept
    вероятность перехвата

  2. пересечение

    intercept point
    точка пересечения

  3. радиоперехват
  4. перехваченное сообщение
  5. отсекаемый отрезок

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): intercepted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): intercepted.

Синонимы: restrain, apprehend, arrest, delay, detain, entrap, hinder, impede, inhibit, retard, stay, stunt.

  1. останавливать
  2. перехватить

    intercept the ball
    перехватить мяч

    intercept traffic
    перехватывать трафик

  3. задерживать
  4. преградить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений intercept на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

France is training eagles to intercept drones.
Франция обучает орлов для перехвата беспилотников.

Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept an airliner that deviated from its flight path.
По тревоге для перехвата отклонившегося от своей траектории авиалайнера в воздух были подняты реактивные истребители.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I intercept We intercept
You intercept You intercept
He/She/It intercepts They intercept
Past Simple
I intercepted We intercepted
You intercepted You intercepted
He/She/It intercepted They intercepted
Future Simple
I will intercept We will intercept
You will intercept You will intercept
He/She/It will intercept They will intercept

Present Continuous
I am intercepting We are intercepting
You are intercepting You are intercepting
He/She/It is intercepting They are intercepting
Past Continuous
I was intercepting We were intercepting
You were intercepting You were intercepting
He/She/It was intercepting They were intercepting
Future Continuous
I will be intercepting We will be intercepting
You will be intercepting You will be intercepting
He/She/It will be intercepting They will be intercepting

Present Perfect
I have intercepted We have intercepted
You have intercepted You have intercepted
He/She/It has intercepted They have intercepted
Past Perfect
I had intercepted We had intercepted
You had intercepted You had intercepted
He/She/It had intercepted They had intercepted
Future Perfect
I will have intercepted We will have intercepted
You will have intercepted You will have intercepted
He/She/It will have intercepted They will have intercepted

md5 hash от слова intercept: ec694e2431bedb82a579b9421ddba566



Добавить слово в закладки

После добавления слова intercept вы сможете приступить к его изучению методом интервальных повторений.

При добавлении вы можете выбрать, какую именно форму этого слова вы хотите изучить.

Все добавленные слова можно посмотреть в вашем личном кабинете.



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