

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): jails.

Синонимы: afterword, bridewell, cell, clinching, closing, committal, concluding, conclusion, confinement, detention, execution, gaol, imprisonment, incarceration, infirmary.

  1. тюрьма

    local jail
    местная тюрьма

    doors of the jail
    двери темницы

  2. заключение

    life in jail
    пожизненное заключение

  3. изолятор
  4. острог
  5. каталажка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): jailed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): jailed.

Синонимы: imprison, sit.

  1. посадить
  2. заключить в тюрьму

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): jailer.

Синонимы: gaol, prison.

  1. тюремный

    jail time
    тюремный срок

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений jail на 1 миллион слов: 12.

Примеры предложений

Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage.
Тома не посадили в тюрьму за шпионаж.

Tom got out of jail in October.
Том вышел из тюрьмы в октябре.

I got out of jail yesterday.
Я вчера вышел из тюрьмы.

He is in jail for theft.
Он сидит в тюрьме за кражу.

Tom committed suicide in jail.
Том покончил с собой в тюрьме.

Tom is in jail now.
Том сейчас в тюрьме.

Tom shared a jail cell with John.
Том сидел с Джоном в одной камере.

Tom escaped from jail through a tunnel.
Том сбежал из тюрьмы через подземный туннель.

Maintaining a criminal in the jail is very expensive.
Содержать преступника в тюрьме очень дорого.

The food in jail was better.
В тюрьме еда была лучше.

Tom hanged himself in his jail cell.
Том повесился в тюремной камере.

Tom helped Mary escape from jail.
Том помог Мэри бежать из тюрьмы.

The jail is overcrowded.
Тюрьма переполнена.

He was sent to jail for the robbery.
Он был посажен в тюрьму за ограбление.

He was sent to jail for murder.
Он был отправлен в тюрьму за убийство.

Unfortunately, our father is not in heaven, but in a jail cell.
К сожалению, наш отец не на небесах, а в тюремной камере.

The banker went to jail for fraud.
Этот банкир угодил в тюрьму за мошенничество.

Tom could go to jail for three years.
Том мог загреметь в тюрьму на три года.

Tom could go to jail for this.
Том мог попасть за это в тюрьму.

Tom was in jail at the time.
Том в то время сидел в тюрьме.

Tom isn't in jail anymore.
Том больше не в тюрьме.

If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.
Хочешь знать, кто твои друзья – добейся для себя тюремного заключения.

Tom spent thirty days in jail.
Том провёл тридцать дней в тюрьме.

I really don't want to go back to jail.
Я очень не хочу обратно в тюрьму.

Criminals should go to jail.
Преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме.

Tom is in jail.
Том сидит в тюрьме.

You'll die in jail.
Ты умрёшь в тюрьме.

I don't want him to go to jail.
Я не хочу, чтобы он попал в тюрьму.

How do we get her out of jail?
Как нам вытащить её из тюрьмы?

When did you get out of jail?
Когда ты вышел из тюрьмы?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I jail We jail
You jail You jail
He/She/It jails They jail
Past Simple
I jailed We jailed
You jailed You jailed
He/She/It jailed They jailed
Future Simple
I will jail We will jail
You will jail You will jail
He/She/It will jail They will jail

Present Continuous
I am jailing We are jailing
You are jailing You are jailing
He/She/It is jailing They are jailing
Past Continuous
I was jailing We were jailing
You were jailing You were jailing
He/She/It was jailing They were jailing
Future Continuous
I will be jailing We will be jailing
You will be jailing You will be jailing
He/She/It will be jailing They will be jailing

Present Perfect
I have jailed We have jailed
You have jailed You have jailed
He/She/It has jailed They have jailed
Past Perfect
I had jailed We had jailed
You had jailed You had jailed
He/She/It had jailed They had jailed
Future Perfect
I will have jailed We will have jailed
You will have jailed You will have jailed
He/She/It will have jailed They will have jailed

md5 hash от слова jail: fdecc4714b3be8aaeefbc93395861ce0



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