

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): knives.

Синонимы: cutlery, cutter, hatchet, opener, stab, switchblade, torch.

  1. нож

    long hunting knife
    длинный охотничий нож

    hilt of her knife
    рукоять ножа

    electric carving knife
    электрический нож

    pocket knife
    перочинный ножик

    butcher knife
    мясницкий тесак

  2. резак
  3. столовый нож

verb глагол

Синонимы: stab.

  1. зарезать
  2. резать ножом

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: blade, cutter.

  1. ножевой

    knife wound
    ножевое ранение

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений knife на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

They eat with a knife and fork.
Они едят при помощи ножа и вилки.

This knife is dull.
Этот нож тупой.

Be careful. The knife is very sharp.
Осторожно. Нож очень острый.

Tom took the knife away from Mary.
Том отобрал у Мэри нож.

Tom put the knife on the table.
Том положил нож на стол.

I put a knife on the table.
Я положил на стол нож.

There is a knife missing.
Не хватает одного ножа.

The robber tried to plunge the knife into the boy.
Грабитель попытался ударить мальчика ножом.

The knife has a keen blade.
Лезвие этого ножа очень острое.

The knife is not sharp.
Нож не острый.

The edge of this knife is sharp and cuts well.
Лезвие этого ножа острое и режет хорошо.

My knife has gotten dull.
У меня нож затупился.

Tom held a knife to Mary's throat.
Том приставил нож к горлу Мэри.

That knife cuts well.
Этот нож хорошо режет.

Tom had a knife in his hands.
В руках у Тома был нож.

Tom sleeps with a knife under his pillow.
Том спит с ножом под подушкой.

Tom hid his knife under the mattress.
Том спрятал свой нож под матрас.

The knife isn't sharp.
Нож не заточен.

Tom carries a knife with him all the time.
Том всё время носит с собой нож.

He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Он не самый умный человек на свете.

Be careful! The knife is very sharp.
Осторожно! Нож очень острый.

I returned the knife which I had borrowed.
Я вернул нож, который я одолжил.

Tom cut himself with a knife this morning.
Том сегодня утром ножом порезался.

Is there a knife in the kitchen?
На кухне есть нож?

They put a knife to my throat and robbed me.
Они приставили мне нож к горлу и ограбили.

Tom was threatened with a knife on the street at night by an unfamiliar man and robbed of his money.
Тому ночью на улице пригрозил ножом незнакомый человек и украл всю его наличку.

On the street at night, Tom was threatened by an unfamiliar man with a knife and robbed of his money.
Тому ночью на улице пригрозил ножом незнакомый человек и украл всю его наличку.

When Tom was walking down the street at night, a man he didn't know threatened him with a knife and robbed him of his cash.
Когда Том гулял по улице ночью, незнакомый человек пригрозил ему ножом и украл всю его наличку.

The knife is sharp.
Нож острый.

The kitchen knife wasn't sharp enough to cut the meat, so I used my pocket knife.
Кухонный нож был недостаточно острым, чтобы разрезать мясо, поэтому я воспользовался своим перочинным ножом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I knife We knife
You knife You knife
He/She/It knifes They knife
Past Simple
I knifed We knifed
You knifed You knifed
He/She/It knifed They knifed
Future Simple
I will knife We will knife
You will knife You will knife
He/She/It will knife They will knife

Present Continuous
I am knifing We are knifing
You are knifing You are knifing
He/She/It is knifing They are knifing
Past Continuous
I was knifing We were knifing
You were knifing You were knifing
He/She/It was knifing They were knifing
Future Continuous
I will be knifing We will be knifing
You will be knifing You will be knifing
He/She/It will be knifing They will be knifing

Present Perfect
I have knifed We have knifed
You have knifed You have knifed
He/She/It has knifed They have knifed
Past Perfect
I had knifed We had knifed
You had knifed You had knifed
He/She/It had knifed They had knifed
Future Perfect
I will have knifed We will have knifed
You will have knifed You will have knifed
He/She/It will have knifed They will have knifed

md5 hash от слова knife: 4cbfe67340292113c37189ac59871696


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