

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): loosened.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): loosened.

Синонимы: dismiss, absolve, attenuate, depress, disband, dispense, ease, erode, forgive, hoe, impair, release, relinquish, remit, sell.

  1. ослаблять

    loosen the ropes
    ослабить веревки

  2. разрыхлять

    loosen the soil
    рыхлить почву

  3. отпускать
  4. расшатывать
  5. развязывать
  6. распускать

Примеры предложений

I hoped that some punch would loosen the tongue of my old friend.
Я надеялся, что пунш разрешит язык моего старого знакомца.

A few glasses of wine can loosen the tongue.
Пара бокалов вина могут развязать язык.

To loosen a screw, turn it to the left.
Чтобы ослабить болт, поверните его налево.

Loosen the bandage a little.
Немного ослабь повязку.

You need to loosen up and have some fun.
Вам нужно расслабиться и немного повеселиться.

Loosen the screws and remove the lamp cover.
Ослабьте винты и снимите колпак лампы.

Loosen up on the gas pedal. You're driving too fast.
Отпустите педаль газа. Вы слишком быстро едете!

Loosen it.
Ослабь его.

Loosen your tie.
Ослабь галстук.

Loosen up.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I loosen We loosen
You loosen You loosen
He/She/It loosens They loosen
Past Simple
I loosened We loosened
You loosened You loosened
He/She/It loosened They loosened
Future Simple
I will loosen We will loosen
You will loosen You will loosen
He/She/It will loosen They will loosen

Present Continuous
I am loosening We are loosening
You are loosening You are loosening
He/She/It is loosening They are loosening
Past Continuous
I was loosening We were loosening
You were loosening You were loosening
He/She/It was loosening They were loosening
Future Continuous
I will be loosening We will be loosening
You will be loosening You will be loosening
He/She/It will be loosening They will be loosening

Present Perfect
I have loosened We have loosened
You have loosened You have loosened
He/She/It has loosened They have loosened
Past Perfect
I had loosened We had loosened
You had loosened You had loosened
He/She/It had loosened They had loosened
Future Perfect
I will have loosened We will have loosened
You will have loosened You will have loosened
He/She/It will have loosened They will have loosened

md5 hash от слова loosen: bef76688e7c8b5621d796734e70513e4



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