

verb глагол

Синонимы: anoint, daub, dub, grease, oil, slush, smear, swab.

  1. смазывать
  2. мазать

Примеры предложений

Will you lubricate the car?
Вы будете смазывать машину?

I need to lubricate the hinges on that door.
Мне нужно смазать петли на этой двери.

Before putting the cables in, l lubricate the tube.
Перед вставкой кабелей l смажьте трубку.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I lubricate We lubricate
You lubricate You lubricate
He/She/It lubricates They lubricate
Past Simple
I lubricated We lubricated
You lubricated You lubricated
He/She/It lubricated They lubricated
Future Simple
I will lubricate We will lubricate
You will lubricate You will lubricate
He/She/It will lubricate They will lubricate

Present Continuous
I am lubricating We are lubricating
You are lubricating You are lubricating
He/She/It is lubricating They are lubricating
Past Continuous
I was lubricating We were lubricating
You were lubricating You were lubricating
He/She/It was lubricating They were lubricating
Future Continuous
I will be lubricating We will be lubricating
You will be lubricating You will be lubricating
He/She/It will be lubricating They will be lubricating

Present Perfect
I have lubricated We have lubricated
You have lubricated You have lubricated
He/She/It has lubricated They have lubricated
Past Perfect
I had lubricated We had lubricated
You had lubricated You had lubricated
He/She/It had lubricated They had lubricated
Future Perfect
I will have lubricated We will have lubricated
You will have lubricated You will have lubricated
He/She/It will have lubricated They will have lubricated

md5 hash от слова lubricate: 33dbc89edfad1c27b0a8766f4c7781c2


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