

noun существительное

Синонимы: blurring, fat, lipids, lubricant, lubricating, lubrication, oiling, smear, smearing, tallow, unction.

  1. смазка

    lubricating grease
    консистентная смазка

  2. жир

    hot grease
    горячий жир

  3. тавот
  4. смазывание
  5. сальный
  6. густая смазка
  7. жирное пятно
  8. топленое сало

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): greased.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): greased.

Синонимы: anoint, dub, lubricate, oil, slush, swab.

  1. смазывать
  2. смазать консистентной смазкой

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: adipose, blubber, lube, lubricant, lubricating, lubrication, oiling, sebaceous, sebum, tallow, tallowy.

  1. жировой

    grease stain
    жирное пятно

  2. смазочный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и grease: agrees.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений grease на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Grease the waffle maker.
Смажьте маслом вафельницу.

I need more grease in my diet.
Мне нужно больше жира в моем рационе.

Step 1. Heat the vegetable oil (0.5L) (any grease or a mixture of oil and grease) in the pot on high heat, add sliced onions (400g), fry until the onions take a yellow color, then add meat (any kind) (1kg).
Шаг 1. Растительное масло (любой жир или смесь растительного масла с жиром) 0,5л растопить на сильном огне в котле, добавить нарезанный лук (400гр.), жарить до получения жёлтого цвета лука, добавить мяса (любое) (1кг).

Put some grease on the wheel. It squeaks.
Смажьте колесо, оно скрипит.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I grease We grease
You grease You grease
He/She/It greases They grease
Past Simple
I greased We greased
You greased You greased
He/She/It greased They greased
Future Simple
I will grease We will grease
You will grease You will grease
He/She/It will grease They will grease

Present Continuous
I am greasing We are greasing
You are greasing You are greasing
He/She/It is greasing They are greasing
Past Continuous
I was greasing We were greasing
You were greasing You were greasing
He/She/It was greasing They were greasing
Future Continuous
I will be greasing We will be greasing
You will be greasing You will be greasing
He/She/It will be greasing They will be greasing

Present Perfect
I have greased We have greased
You have greased You have greased
He/She/It has greased They have greased
Past Perfect
I had greased We had greased
You had greased You had greased
He/She/It had greased They had greased
Future Perfect
I will have greased We will have greased
You will have greased You will have greased
He/She/It will have greased They will have greased

md5 hash от слова grease: 6f8000cd4e0b9ee6dbb621e195f8a1a3


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