

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): mandates.

Синонимы: assignment, authorization, authorizing, behalf, commission, discretion, empowerment, entrusting, errand, injunction, mission, permission, power, privilege, proxy.

  1. мандат

    un mandate
    мандат оон

    league of nations mandate
    мандат лиги наций

  2. наказ

    divine mandate
    божественный наказ

  3. поручение
  4. полномочие
  5. соответствующий мандат

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): mandated.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): mandated.

Синонимы: bind, commission, commit, dictate, direct, empower, enact, enforce, enjoin, impose, instruct, obligate, oblige, ordain, prescribe.

  1. уполномочить
  2. поручить
  3. предписывать
  4. обязывать
  5. передать под мандат

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: credential, credentials, mandated, mandatory.

  1. мандатный

    mandate territory
    мандатная территория

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений mandate на 1 миллион слов: 12.

Примеры предложений

The church does not have the mandate to change the world. But if it fulfills its mission, it will change the world.
У церкви нет полномочий изменять мир. Но если он выполнит свою миссию, то изменит мир.

The mandate of the president lasted five years.
Мандат президента длился пять лет.

Company regulations mandate that workers wear safety glasses.
Правила компании предписывают работникам носить защитные очки.

Company regulations mandate that workers use protective eyewear.
Правила компании предписывают работникам использовать защитные очки.

Until 1962, Algeria was a French mandate.
До 1962 года Алжир был французским мандатом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I mandate We mandate
You mandate You mandate
He/She/It mandates They mandate
Past Simple
I mandated We mandated
You mandated You mandated
He/She/It mandated They mandated
Future Simple
I will mandate We will mandate
You will mandate You will mandate
He/She/It will mandate They will mandate

Present Continuous
I am mandating We are mandating
You are mandating You are mandating
He/She/It is mandating They are mandating
Past Continuous
I was mandating We were mandating
You were mandating You were mandating
He/She/It was mandating They were mandating
Future Continuous
I will be mandating We will be mandating
You will be mandating You will be mandating
He/She/It will be mandating They will be mandating

Present Perfect
I have mandated We have mandated
You have mandated You have mandated
He/She/It has mandated They have mandated
Past Perfect
I had mandated We had mandated
You had mandated You had mandated
He/She/It had mandated They had mandated
Future Perfect
I will have mandated We will have mandated
You will have mandated You will have mandated
He/She/It will have mandated They will have mandated

md5 hash от слова mandate: a8bece1d2bf135c2b73b6277afbffcb5


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