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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): manifests.

Синонимы: declaration, demonstration, display, emergence, exerting, exertion, exhibiting, expression, implication, manifestation, manifesting, manifesto, onset, showing.

  1. декларация

    cargo manifest
    грузовая декларация

  2. манифест

    manifest file
    файл манифеста

  3. проявление
  4. грузовой манифест

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): manifested.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): manifested.

Синонимы: disclose, announce, appear, declare, discover, encounter, exercise, exert, exhibit, have, occur, promulgate, reveal, show, unveil.

  1. проявляться
  2. проявлять

    manifest love
    проявлять любовь

  3. обнародовать
  4. обнаруживать
  5. манифестировать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: apparent, bright, clear, definite, demonstrable, evidence, evident, lucid, obvious, palpable, robust, serene, transparent, understandable, unequivocal.

  1. очевидный

    manifest injustice
    явная несправедливость

  2. ясный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений manifest на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

It was a manifest error of judgement.
Это была явная ошибка правосудия.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I manifest We manifest
You manifest You manifest
He/She/It manifests They manifest
Past Simple
I manifested We manifested
You manifested You manifested
He/She/It manifested They manifested
Future Simple
I will manifest We will manifest
You will manifest You will manifest
He/She/It will manifest They will manifest

Present Continuous
I am manifesting We are manifesting
You are manifesting You are manifesting
He/She/It is manifesting They are manifesting
Past Continuous
I was manifesting We were manifesting
You were manifesting You were manifesting
He/She/It was manifesting They were manifesting
Future Continuous
I will be manifesting We will be manifesting
You will be manifesting You will be manifesting
He/She/It will be manifesting They will be manifesting

Present Perfect
I have manifested We have manifested
You have manifested You have manifested
He/She/It has manifested They have manifested
Past Perfect
I had manifested We had manifested
You had manifested You had manifested
He/She/It had manifested They had manifested
Future Perfect
I will have manifested We will have manifested
You will have manifested You will have manifested
He/She/It will have manifested They will have manifested

md5 hash от слова manifest: 7f5cb74af5d7f4b82200738fdbdc5a45



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