

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): mantles.

Синонимы: integument, blanket, canopy, capsule, casing, cladding, cloak, coat, coating, coverage, encapsulation, enclosure, envelope, envelopment, environment.

  1. мантия

    upper mantle
    верхняя мантия

    earth's mantle
    мантия земли

    blue mantle
    синий плащ

  2. покров

    snow mantle
    снежный покров

  3. калильная сетка
  4. оболочка
  5. мантия земли
  6. манто

verb глагол

Синонимы: assemble, edit, erect, install, mount.

  1. монтировать

adjective прилагательное

  1. мантийный

    mantle source
    мантийный источник


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и mantle: lament, mantel, mental.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений mantle на 1 миллион слов: 6.

Примеры предложений

Neptune has a mantle of liquid hydrogen while the atmosphere is a combination of ammonia, helium, and methane. In the upper atmosphere, methane freezes and forms an ice cloud which casts a shadow on the clouds below.
Нептун имеет мантию, состоящую из жидкого водорода, а его атмосфера — смесь аммиака, гелия и метана. В верхней атмосфере метан замерзает и образует ледяное облако, отбрасывающее тень на облака, находящиеся ниже него.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I mantle We mantle
You mantle You mantle
He/She/It mantles They mantle
Past Simple
I mantled We mantled
You mantled You mantled
He/She/It mantled They mantled
Future Simple
I will mantle We will mantle
You will mantle You will mantle
He/She/It will mantle They will mantle

Present Continuous
I am mantling We are mantling
You are mantling You are mantling
He/She/It is mantling They are mantling
Past Continuous
I was mantling We were mantling
You were mantling You were mantling
He/She/It was mantling They were mantling
Future Continuous
I will be mantling We will be mantling
You will be mantling You will be mantling
He/She/It will be mantling They will be mantling

Present Perfect
I have mantled We have mantled
You have mantled You have mantled
He/She/It has mantled They have mantled
Past Perfect
I had mantled We had mantled
You had mantled You had mantled
He/She/It had mantled They had mantled
Future Perfect
I will have mantled We will have mantled
You will have mantled You will have mantled
He/She/It will have mantled They will have mantled

md5 hash от слова mantle: f8aef634301e3a515ed65e6371ce0ef5


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