

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): laments.

Синонимы: complaining, complaint, grievance, lamentation, petition.

  1. жалоба
  2. причитание
  3. элегия

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): lamented.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): lamented.

Синонимы: blubber, cry, regret, rue, tear, weep.

  1. сетовать
  2. плакать
  3. сожалеть
  4. горько жаловаться
  5. грустить


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и lament: mantel, mantle, mental.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений lament на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

One should not lament over past mistakes too long.
Не следует слишком долго сокрушаться о прошлых ошибках.

I call on the living, lament the dead, shatter the lightning.
Я взываю к живым, оплакиваю мертвых, разбиваю молнии.

There has never been an age that did not applaud the past and lament the present.
Никогда не было эпохи, которая не аплодировала бы прошлому и не оплакивала настоящее.

We lament, complain, moan and start crying out in pain.
Мы жалуемся, жалуемся, стонем и начинаем кричать от боли.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I lament We lament
You lament You lament
He/She/It laments They lament
Past Simple
I lamented We lamented
You lamented You lamented
He/She/It lamented They lamented
Future Simple
I will lament We will lament
You will lament You will lament
He/She/It will lament They will lament

Present Continuous
I am lamenting We are lamenting
You are lamenting You are lamenting
He/She/It is lamenting They are lamenting
Past Continuous
I was lamenting We were lamenting
You were lamenting You were lamenting
He/She/It was lamenting They were lamenting
Future Continuous
I will be lamenting We will be lamenting
You will be lamenting You will be lamenting
He/She/It will be lamenting They will be lamenting

Present Perfect
I have lamented We have lamented
You have lamented You have lamented
He/She/It has lamented They have lamented
Past Perfect
I had lamented We had lamented
You had lamented You had lamented
He/She/It had lamented They had lamented
Future Perfect
I will have lamented We will have lamented
You will have lamented You will have lamented
He/She/It will have lamented They will have lamented

md5 hash от слова lament: b7b5e423109fa19cd623f7b8f6d5649e


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