

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): measures.

Синонимы: measurement, arrangement, criterion, intervention, value, action, activity, appraisal, appreciating, appreciation, assessing, assessment, bound, degree, dimension.

  1. мера

    take appropriate measures
    принять надлежащие меры

    last resort measure
    крайняя мера

    fire safety measures
    меры пожарной безопасности

    confidence building measure
    мера доверия

    protective measures in place
    защитные меры

    risk reduction measures
    меры по снижению рисков

    large measure
    значительная степень

  2. мероприятие

    energy saving measure
    энергосберегающее мероприятие

  3. показатель

    financial measure
    финансовый показатель

  4. мерка
  5. мерило

    measure of progress
    мерило прогресса

  6. измерение

    volume unit of measure
    единица измерения объема

  7. оценка
  8. мера предосторожности

verb глагол

Синонимы: appraise, assess, estimate, evaluate, gauge, quantify, rate, score, value, weigh.

  1. измерять

    measured parameter
    измеряемый параметр

    measure temperature
    мерить температуру

    measured value
    измеренное значение

  2. оценивать
  3. отмерить
  4. иметь размеры

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений measure на 1 миллион слов: 54.

Примеры предложений

There is a second way to define the Gabriel-Roiter measure which may be more intuitive.
Есть другой способ определить меру Габриэля-Ройтера, который, может быть, более интуитивный.

Money is the measure of worth.
Деньги — это мера стоимости.

Can you measure the length?
Вы можете измерить длину?

Please allow me to measure you.
Позвольте мне вас измерить.

Fadil resorted to a desperate measure.
Фадил прибегнул к отчаянным мерам.

We are the same height. We both measure one meter and seventy centimeters.
Мы одного роста. У нас у обоих метр семьдесят.

Jail is a very harsh punitive measure.
Тюрьма - очень суровая мера наказания.

A ruler can measure something up to twelve inches in length.
Линейкой можно измерить что-нибудь длиной до двенадцати дюймов.

What did you measure it with?
Чем ты это измерил?

We'll have to measure the room before we buy the rug.
Прежде чем купить ковёр, нам нужно будет измерить комнату.

Let's measure how tall you are.
Давайте измерим ваш рост.

I didn't measure it.
Я его не измерял.

Clocks measure time.
Часы измеряют время.

Judge not, that ye may not be judged, for in what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and in what measure ye measure, it shall be measured to you.
Не судите, да не судимы будете, ибо каким судом судите, таким будете судимы; и какою мерою мерите, такою и вам будут мерить.

The second is the unit of measure for time.
Секунда — единица измерения времени.

The ohm is the unit of measure for electrical resistance.
Ом - единица измерения электрического сопротивления.

We use this device to measure blood pressure.
Этим прибором мы измеряем кровяное давление.

Man is the measure of all things.
Человек — мера всех вещей.

There are several ways to measure speed.
Есть несколько способов измерить скорость.

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.
Ума палата дороже злата.

He has not become rich, but he had a certain measure of success.
Он не стал богатым, но определенного успеха добился.

Measure each angle of the triangle.
Измерьте все углы треугольника.

Hand washing is generally considered to be the most important measure in preventing the spread of infection.
Мытьё рук обычно считается самой важной мерой в предотвращении распространения инфекций.

Tom, stubborn as he was, refused to change to the sensible metric system, preferring to measure volume in hogsheads instead.
Том в своём упрямстве отказался переходить на разумную метрическую систему, предпочитая вместо того измерять объём в хогсхедах.

We measure the depth of the river.
Мы измеряем глубину реки.

Police presence in the neighborhood was increased as a measure to deter crime.
Для предотвращения преступности полиция в близлежащих районах была усилена.

Rating is the measure of a chess player's strength, calculated using mathematical formulas that take into account the player's performance in official tournaments.
Рейтинг - это мера силы шахматиста, рассчитываемая с использованием математических формул, учитывающих выступления игрока на официальных турнирах.

We want to measure your temperature.
Мы хотим измерить вашу температуру.

Measure thrice, cut once.
Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.

Measure seven times, cut once.
Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I measure We measure
You measure You measure
He/She/It measures They measure
Past Simple
I measured We measured
You measured You measured
He/She/It measured They measured
Future Simple
I will measure We will measure
You will measure You will measure
He/She/It will measure They will measure

Present Continuous
I am measuring We are measuring
You are measuring You are measuring
He/She/It is measuring They are measuring
Past Continuous
I was measuring We were measuring
You were measuring You were measuring
He/She/It was measuring They were measuring
Future Continuous
I will be measuring We will be measuring
You will be measuring You will be measuring
He/She/It will be measuring They will be measuring

Present Perfect
I have measured We have measured
You have measured You have measured
He/She/It has measured They have measured
Past Perfect
I had measured We had measured
You had measured You had measured
He/She/It had measured They had measured
Future Perfect
I will have measured We will have measured
You will have measured You will have measured
He/She/It will have measured They will have measured

md5 hash от слова measure: 2925f77709f2db1f915deadc2940db88


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